2wapworld Android App feedback by HandsomeDon 2016/01/27 13:23
Our App development team is very interested in hearing your comments, so we have an easy way for you to send feedback while you're using the 2wapworld android app. We want to hear what you like and what you think we could do better.
Here you can post about necessary changes .....
Please don't post off topic comment

HandsomeDon 2016/03/19 05:27
Now new update ready all new features added like backwards forward , downloading , uploading , and video streaming .. . only emoticon at chatroom need to fix ... Anyone can help us how add emoticon code to chat textarea.... We try to add but after first post emoticon package didn't work only smiley shows not convert into text ....we also want textarea at bottom likewise WhatsApp
...... How footer code work ? Can footer able to handle textarea ? Anyone have WhatsApp HTML page source code ?

HandsomeDon 2016/03/19 05:35
Here our emoticon pack work on ID=txtSrarch
How to fix this ID that pack continue hidely shown at click textatea

textarea name="message" rows="1" cols="20" id="txtSearch" onkeypress="return searchKeyPress(event)

trakkerterrorist 2017/03/25 17:30
Quote: HandsomeDon: We would like to thank 2wapworld development team for thier outstanding contribution in app building , also Admin Liam who give me chance for uploading app and out of 2wapworld , thanks to my friend Surender ....
Try lates version .../smiley 1 is old version then 2nd and so on ....
If face installation problem then do some setting in mobile as go through setting > security < choose unknow source installation on ... Now install
well what is best to download?

Testingpurpose 2017/03/28 10:31
HandsomeDon 2017/03/28 10:38
Quote: Testingpurpose: Database

Now database show error , why at database web took to offline mode/smiley

jaQui 2017/12/08 11:31


jaQui 2018/01/20 16:11

Now on my Tablet. Working very good... Thanx a Lot

jaQui 2018/01/20 17:06
Quote: jaQui:
Now on my Tablet. Working very good... Thanx a Lot

Unsupported File extention!
superdat_size 0
Max file size 10MB

Phronesis 2018/01/22 19:08
It would be helpful for a kind of trial for newbies. One can get lost easily.
~shiroz~fa 2018/02/17 14:42
I cant upload my picture here plz help me
HandsomeDon 2018/02/18 08:25
Quote: ~shiroz~fa: I cant upload my picture here plz help me

New update is ready for upload....I am feel no one like app or comments for improvement that why I am leave it

~shiroz~fa 2018/02/19 08:30
oh really.thanks bro.. helping me
@Don@ 2018/07/03 01:46
Quote: HandsomeDon:
New update is ready for upload....I am feel no one like app or comments for improvement that why I am leave it
i cant find the in palu store..? .think.

Mula_Lake 2021/04/17 05:23
What happened to the app?
Replies: 74

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