What is the best for you by ____THe.bosS 2015/11/08 09:55
.star. Is it better to dislike for who you are than to be liked for who you are not ?? .star. How much easier to be authentic than to pretend to be someone you are not, what a relieve just to be. How clear and simple. .star. How honest .star. How real .star. The only thing you really have to share with anyone .star. anyway, is your own state of being .star.

EpIcInCoGnItO 2015/11/09 13:26
He is there to do your chores? ./smiley
Quote: Eeprom: ha ha ha yeah that darn penguin! Id need jacki if was dress in that,,,,, @Vince ill take some beans for food, and ragnorak will fly down once a month and do my shed chores etc.

Lelsi 2015/11/09 23:55
Actually we all wanted to be accepted and liked ,but it's not how the things work. After all you don't like all the people, so why should all like you? I'd rather be disliked for who I am because I know very well my qualities and my flaws , most times people always get a wrong picture of me until they get to know me.I don't wanna change ,too old for that plus who am I now is a result of so far life experience. Whether someone likes it or not....doesn't even matter.
Tochi Prudence 2015/11/12 21:10
I dnt pretend, i am who i am
Replies: 23

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