Is there God and Afterlife ? by HandsomeDon 2015/11/01 09:34
This question is such a controversial query that it has been making an endless debates worldwide. So the question is Do you believe that God, soul/spirit and afterlife exist ?
Rango 2015/11/02 16:35
What is the condition of the dead?
Hope this could help.If download fails, download directly from search for "Life after death, is it possible"
Hope that helps

jaQui 2015/11/04 00:26
zugzwang 2015/11/10 19:40
nature is GOD
zugzwang 2015/11/10 19:42
afterlife is only a concept, nothing much
#78 Faith/Beliefs
Share your views and beliefs on religion, theology, culture and matters of faith.