Can true love ask for somethin in exchange? by Tochi Prudence 2015/09/29 17:24
Can true love ask for somethin in exchange? Tellin u dat before i do this or dat for u, u must marry me, i give u & u give me too.

sirgodwin 2015/09/30 23:20
love is action and not only mere words
wiLLyRockz 2015/10/01 08:55
Haha its different now days
Xiao Zen 2015/10/02 06:04
Quote: Tochi Prudence: You r right bt in exchange i'm talkin about is, asking u to go to bed wt him or marry him by force whn u r nt ready

In that case no, that is just manipulation.

Crownstar 2015/10/02 08:25
Quote: Tochi Prudence: No to my best frnd
i thought it happened to u, besides when last did u login to 2wapworld or did u login to seek advice?

Tochi Prudence 2015/10/02 09:10
Quote: Michaely: i thought it happened to u, besides when last did u login to 2wapworld or did u login to seek advice?
I think u r mistaking, hv been in dis site since 2009

KingFISHER 2015/10/02 17:10
love can only be exchanged by love.
Crownstar 2015/10/03 22:27
Quote: Tochi Prudence: I think u r mistaking, hv been in dis site since 2009
I Knw...buh u ve been in~active for some months...were u busy with fbuk, whatsapp and bbm?

Tochi Prudence 2015/10/09 19:36
Quote: Michaely: I Knw...buh u ve been in~active for some months...were u busy with fbuk, whatsapp and bbm?
No i dnt hv time for dat, is bcos of d nature of my job

Crownstar 2015/10/10 14:59
Quote: Tochi Prudence: No i dnt hv time for dat, is bcos of d nature of my job
kk, no hard feelings i hope?

Lelsi 2015/11/04 19:31
If you do that I will do this is not love It's blackmailing .And you have to give as much as you get, love itself need a reason and you need to get something in exchange.
Page707 2015/12/11 21:59
never expected anythings in return
Replies: 31

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