##Happy Birthday Saahir## by Kayli 2015/05/16 14:39
On the 19th MAY, Its saahir Birthday, lets wish him a FABULOUS day, and tht God must protect him everyday -bday- my frnd. -band- -party-

saahir 2015/05/17 14:26
/smiley my friend uske2u & my sweetest friend poem (Kavita).rose.
_SonIcGirL_ 2015/05/17 15:48
Happy birthday to you...!
Georginia 2015/05/18 02:36
Happy birthday to you my sweet bro/smiley God bless you with abundance of health n happiness throughout ur life.[geo]
-Marizelle- 2015/05/18 18:49
Happy birthday my sweet brother/smiley
saahir 2015/05/18 18:59
/smiley my both sisters _Marizelle_ and Georginia and my sweetest friend _SonIcGirL_
Replies: 25

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