Guess weight by ABHIRAJ 2015/04/14 11:26
Hey guy its jusi for fun...just guess weight of person above you

merly 2015/04/18 01:25
ARUN89 2015/04/18 03:40
120 u /smiley
Kayli 2015/04/18 18:51
160kg /smiley
saahir 2015/04/18 18:53
Quote: ABHIRAJ: Hey guy its jusi for fun...just guess weight of person above you

200 gms. Its a mice.

saahir 2015/04/18 18:54
Quote: Kayli: 160kg /smiley

150 gms, mice kid/smiley

ARUN89 2015/04/19 03:19
1mg /smiley
Dr.rahul 2015/04/19 05:08
250 mg... .lol.
ARUN89 2015/04/19 11:19
Ton ton .lol.
Tiger 2015/04/20 13:11
Raks~RoCks 2015/04/20 17:55
rockford 2015/04/21 05:15
ARUN89 2015/04/23 02:38
Oo .lol.
merly 2015/04/30 00:07
Quote: ARUN89: 120 u /smiley

no not m only 107 pounds,
mybe thts ur weight 120 in pounds not kilos /smiley

ARUN89 2015/04/30 00:11
Tat weight 1mth before now u Ton Ton /smiley .hehe.
dipeeka 2015/05/01 03:39
46 .lol.
ARUN89 2015/05/01 03:41
Ton tana Ton dipee /smiley
Replies: 36

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