*Why do ppl drink* by Kayli 2015/03/31 21:27
Give ur opinion plz, why do ppl drink themself in2 a standstill ? Are the daily social live get 2 much 4 them ? I saw kids as young as 12yrs that are so drunk. Then i wonder, whr are thr parents.

jaQui 2016/01/12 20:10
Its a very bad addiction and not easy for them to rehabilitate...
Get off your high horse/smiley
Some drink some don't
Some smoke weed some don't
And Some are Drug Addicts
There are many addictions
That are not easy to overcome
I would Rather try to help them Before judging them.

Samuel099 2016/01/13 15:41
I remember the day I was caught it the act Smoking with friends lol, They tricked me into that then they reported it to my dad, I denied but it was unfortunately that I was snap and video. ha ha ha my dad pulled my eyes since that, I've stopped 😂.

I did it once that very same day I was caught.

Whally 2016/01/14 18:49
sm drink 2 hav courage 2 do tins,whle sm drink 2 put away thr sorry
r0xi 2016/01/15 05:24
TinHeart 2016/01/15 05:51
IT numbs the pain.
Replies: 25

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