*Why do ppl drink* by Kayli2015/03/31 21:27 Give ur opinion plz, why do ppl drink themself in2 a standstill ? Are the daily social live get 2 much 4 them ? I saw kids as young as 12yrs that are so drunk. Then i wonder, whr are thr parents.
jaQui2016/01/12 20:10 Its a very bad addiction and not easy for them to rehabilitate...
Get off your high horse Some drink some don't
Some smoke weed some don't
And Some are Drug Addicts
There are many addictions
That are not easy to overcome
I would Rather try to help them Before judging them.
Samuel0992016/01/13 15:41 I remember the day I was caught it the act Smoking with friends lol, They tricked me into that then they reported it to my dad, I denied but it was unfortunately that I was snap and video. ha ha ha my dad pulled my eyes since that, I've stopped 😂.
I did it once that very same day I was caught.
Whally2016/01/14 18:49 sm drink 2 hav courage 2 do tins,whle sm drink 2 put away thr sorry