2wap crush by LizzyM 2015/02/27 14:37
Who is your 2wap crush?

TTP 2015/03/02 17:22
Quote: jacki: O' Really?/smiley name them pls?

Smarty -hahaha-

jaQui 2015/03/02 17:32
Quote: TTP:
Smarty -hahaha-
Smarty have a crush on me.hehe.

TTP 2015/03/02 17:57
Quote: jacki: Smarty have a crush on me.hehe.
why not sure it's possible I think u must watch robot movie -hahaha-

bad-apple 2015/03/02 18:10
Quote: jacki: My sweet /smiley Crush/smiley
u r a dynamic person..I like that in u

bad-apple 2015/03/02 18:11
Quote: TTP: ho horay bad apple have many crushes /smiley Just like me.

bad-apple 2015/03/02 18:11
Quote: Georginia: Wow! Amazing../smiley
my pleasure beautiful lady /smiley

jaQui 2015/03/02 18:18
Quote: bad-apple: u r a dynamic person..I like that in u
w0w, thanx sweety y0u are a very special friend to me.mwah.

TTP 2015/03/02 18:47
Quote: bad-apple: u r a dynamic person..I like that in u
wallah its true. /smiley

Mace_Seiler 2015/03/02 20:16
Got only one ... HK FOR LIFE
jaQui 2015/03/05 11:00

No lie, I want that guy who'll be
able to be mine and mine
only, as I'm going to be he's
only with my heart and soul/smiley

Raks~RoCks 2015/03/05 19:40
Quote: jacki:
No lie, I want that guy who'll be
able to be mine and mine
only, as I'm going to be he's
only with my heart and soul/smiley

w0w.... but every body wants life partner like that

Tiger 2015/03/06 02:33
georginia -hahaha-
Georginia 2015/03/06 11:53
Quote: bad-apple: my pleasure beautiful lady /smiley

Georginia 2015/03/06 11:54
Quote: __RNZ__: georginia -hahaha-
/smiley Thankyou

Georginia 2015/03/06 11:59
I better have just a crush. Just smile like an idiot whenever he's online /smiley
Dr.rahul 2015/03/06 16:26
Kayli 2015/03/06 20:42
Zeast /smiley dream on
Mace_Seiler 2015/03/12 08:29
He is SNS..
Mace_Seiler 2015/03/17 15:21
Mylove was my crush and he is here with me from 2wAp..
jaQui 2015/03/18 19:33
Quote: Raks~RoCks:

w0w.... but every body wants life partner like that
yip! I do have in real life...

Replies: 42

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