A Party for princess_Soniya by saahir 2015/02/08 18:32
Dear frenz..!
Today on 8th Feb is the birth day of my sweet sister princess_Soniya . Join with us to celebrate here. Greet her with dancing and singing.
I invite Georginia to host the party.

Red_Tie 2015/02/09 07:30
Happy bday to u soniya ji.
shahid.cool786 2015/02/09 12:32
jaQui 2015/02/09 17:10
Kayli 2015/02/09 21:25
(birthday) /smiley /smiley wowwwweee /smiley
HandsomeDon 2015/02/11 14:33
belated many many happy return of the .birthday. /smiley ...
shahid.cool786 2015/02/12 11:36
shahid.cool786 2015/02/12 11:38
/smiley /smiley /smiley /smiley /smiley /smiley :-P
jaQui 2015/02/13 08:20
I think this Topic has run its cource.../smiley
Replies: 28

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