"Chariots of the Gods?" by jaQui 2015/02/06 06:20
I am busy reading this book

"Chariots of the Gods?"
Science or Charlatanism?
Was God an ancient astronaut?

Author: Erich Von Daniken

i would like to know your
views about this... The Bible is
full of secrets and contradictions

Rebellion 2019/03/20 05:29
Quote: Zaarah_jasmin: I already read that book it tell more about science, but i believe there is only one GOD. /smiley

There are many Gods for your info

Rango 2019/05/06 16:05
I can't believe this post. Why expose yourself to being mislead and yet you already know the truth?

Galatians 5:7-9 You were running well. Who hindered you from continuing to obey the truth? 8 This sort of persuasion does not come from the One calling you. 9 A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough.

#78 Faith/Beliefs
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