"Chariots of the Gods?" by jaQui 2015/02/06 06:20 I am busy reading this book
"Chariots of the Gods?"
Science or Charlatanism?
Was God an ancient astronaut?
Author: Erich Von Daniken
i would like to know your
views about this... The Bible is
full of secrets and contradictions
jaQui 2015/02/06 06:25 Was God an ancient astronaut?
Do centuries-old legends of gods and heroes tell of space travelers who came to earth from distant parts of the Cosmos?
Are some of the ruins of antiquity remnants of great airfields, the favored landing sites of extraterrestrial craft?
Georginia 2015/02/06 06:45 Let me buy the book nd read it too.
Xiao Zen 2015/02/06 06:46 The author is very careful not to say anything, he merely asks questions, there are probably more question marks in the book than any other I have seen. This does not instil any confidence in his theories as when confronted about any he can and has argued, "I asked a question I made no statements." He shapes facts to suite his theory and not the theory to suite the facts, this is most problematic.
jaQui 2015/02/06 06:51 Opium did u read the whole book?
Read Ezekiel...
There are many evedence, pictures and ilustrations.
ABHIRAJ 2015/02/06 07:15 Intrerting..let me go through it.
Srinudad143 2015/02/06 07:18 "my son,be admonished.Of making many books there is no end;and much study is a weariness of the flesh"(eccle12:12) "for in much wisdom is much grief;and he that increaseth knowing increaseth sorrow"(eccle1:18)....
Read Ezekiel...
There are many evedence, pictures and ilustrations.
I have but remain unconvinced, the amount of proof one must provide in science is not unsubstantial and I am sorry to say his theory falls well short of those requirements.
It is all too vague and filled with general speculation. If you enjoyed the book then I am glad but speaking for myself, I cannot take his theory seriously.
jaQui 2015/02/10 13:37 It makes one wonder about all the
mysteries in the Bible and how God came with a storm of dust and noise from heaven to earth. God does not need to fly, he could be anywhere any time.
Rango 2015/02/12 16:35 I don't have to read that book, what i believe about God is enough to for me to take in
Quote: Rango: I don't have to read that book, what i believe about God is enough to for me to take in
the choice is urs
Boet 2015/02/12 22:50 There are so many theories of past phenomanae of late, that one gets real dizzy from all. However convincing tales, illustrations and conjecture might be, we must keep in mind that all of the past are transferred from generation to generation. How else did we conserve the history of Jesus Christ? The Bible, the Koran? To liten to theories, is all good and well. But to accept it as irrefutable truth, is somewhat naive
Quote: Zaarah_jasmin: I already read that book it tell more about science, but i believe there is only one GOD.
yes, it is the one and only God in the book.rose.
_dreamprince_ 2015/04/13 16:04 Do watch ANCIENT ALIENS tv show ?? They do show as God as alien..
Reticent_Linus 2018/10/07 19:45 @jaQui if you really wanna get confused,I mean Really Confused;read
[BLOOD GOSPEL (Order of The Sanguines)]
[THE MAP ON BONES (Sigma Force Series)] by "James Rollins"