He and She-think- by ABHIRAJ2015/01/17 05:36 Whats your opinion about when a boy propose a girl and she dont accept..boy starts with abuses and harrassment..
_LeGoLaS_2015/01/20 13:40 I had similar situation in that moment I was out of control , I just want rape her and make her mine -hahaha-
but after sometimes I realize how pathetic was my thought , I feel pity on my thoughts .
if she don't like the boy just ignore her and find someone who loves him too
amitverma2015/01/20 20:51 Devilish deed ..mst nt abuse a girl its her will to accept or not,u cant force any one
shraddha772015/01/22 04:09 Girl should just thank god for saving her
dellie2015/01/23 05:06 Girl has right to say no. boy nead to respect that and move on to find another. plenty more out there to have and to hold with To death do u part:no needs abuse too as it is in the world! lets try for peace and harmony.