Is islam getting dangerous to the world? by TheOne2015/01/09 22:52 What's your views on this and what are your reasons for it?
TheOne2015/01/09 22:53 Looking at the increase in daily terrorist attack s even on the smallest things like a cartoon.. Where are we heading with this? Stone age? Will they wipe the humans from earth like dinosaurs?
NinthElement2015/01/09 22:59 I would think of the kind of Islam the terrorists believe in to be a seperate religion to normal Islam, more like a cult in fact. There are always going to be people with murderous inclinations in the world who want something to unite around or justify their actions, so if it isn't a twisted form of Islam then it'll be something else.
they give prime importance to their religion and do all violence in the name of god(not all,bt majority)...i dont understand what their logic to day experiences including our recent paris attack is a clear proof that islam is undoubtedly a root cause of can no more be called as a religion of peace
Quote: Ragnorak: I would think of the kind of Islam the terrorists believe in to be a seperate religion to normal Islam, more like a cult in fact. There are always going to be people with murderous inclinations in the world who want something to unite around or justify their actions, so if it isn't a twisted form of Islam then it'll be something else.
rightly said, those ppl are extremists.. they don't spare the moderate Muslims.. they misuse ppl and religion.. that is not what Islam teaches us.. if ppl want to understand Islam, they shouldn't look at the black sheep of community.. but look at the scriptures.. malala yousufzai, the girl awarded Nobel peace prize is a Muslim.. who will label her as a terrorist..
_LeGoLaS_2015/01/10 11:14 their holly book talk only about killing infidels so what you except from them?
Quote: bad-apple: rightly said, those ppl are extremists.. they don't spare the moderate Muslims.. they misuse ppl and religion.. that is not what Islam teaches us.. if ppl want to understand Islam, they shouldn't look at the black sheep of community.. but look at the scriptures.. malala yousufzai, the girl awarded Nobel peace prize is a Muslim.. who will label her as a terrorist..
malala an an american west propaganda ask any Pakistani they will say this
Eleto2015/01/10 11:57 Yesterday, #KillAllMuslims was trending on twitter. People believes Islam is a religion of terrorist because most of the hideous, unspeakable crime are being done by muslims. According to the Islamic article i read, Islam is a religion of peace. So just as Rag has said, it is either a cult or group that wants to prove something that commit this crime and say words that contradict the ethics of Islam. As bad apple also stated, Malala made the world know that Islam has a soft place for peace and is a religion of peace.
Quote: _SaMuRaI_: malala an an american west propaganda ask any Pakistani they will say this
Come on, you're smart enough to know better than this. You think the US arranged for the Taleban to stop a school bus and shoot a girl? Malala is a voice for the many innocent Muslim victims of Islamic extremism who just want to lead peaceful and productive lives.
Quote: Ragnorak: Come on, you're smart enough to know better than this. You think the US arranged for the Taleban to stop a school bus and shoot a girl? Malala is a voice for the many innocent Muslim victims of Islamic extremism who just want to lead peaceful and productive lives.
Pakistanis knows better than you am I right? every terrorist organization is a product of USA and west and they just fooled the illiterate Muslims
_LeGoLaS_2015/01/10 14:01 Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them
wherever you find them, and turn
them out from where they have
turned you out. And Al-
Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is
forgiving and merciful. And fight
them until there is no
more Fitnah [disbelief and
worshipping of others along with
Allah] and worship is for Allah
alone. But if they cease, let there be
no transgression except against Az-
Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-
doers, etc.)"
Quote: _SaMuRaI_: Pakistanis knows better than you am I right? every terrorist organization is a product of USA and west and they just fooled the illiterate Muslims
The security services in Pakistan (or at least some elements within them) are in cahoots with the taleban.
Quote: Ragnorak: I would think of the kind of Islam the terrorists believe in to be a seperate religion to normal Islam, more like a cult in fact. There are always going to be people with murderous inclinations in the world who want something to unite around or justify their actions, so if it isn't a twisted form of Islam then it'll be something else.
but is'nt it weird to kill ppl coz of Religion? I saw a video of a guy on the railway station,,, 100s of ppl in andoutside the train,,,he clim on the trains roof and detinated the bomb.