New version launch and feedback by NinthElement 2015/01/06 05:31
The new version of 2WapWorld is now launched which means it will be the one found by all members old and new when logging in; if you are already logged in then you can switch between the old and new version via a link on the main menu. We still have a small number of pages from the old version to apply to the new, such as statistics, polls, sports betting and additional colour themes which will be added soon, but it's now complete enough and tested sufficiently to be considered officially ready.

The campaign to boost our traffic will begin very soon, but in the meantime I'd like you to post any further observations or suggestions you have on our new version in order for us to perfect the style and features further. Nothing is too small to comment on as minor things can make a big difference.

jaQui 2015/01/06 06:16
Great... Thanx a lot...!/smiley

HandsomeDon 2015/01/06 08:30
Auto page preload isn't work , may npage=2 > need another tag /a > at second time means before arrow_right.png close tag /a >, ucweb provide auto webpage preload feature but in new version browser fail to detect next page location
HandsomeDon 2015/01/06 08:38
This old support auto page preload

div class="pagination" b1 /b  
a href=" statistics.php?W2W=& amp;act=shouts& amp;FF=& amp;orderby=desc& amp;mod=name& amp;npage=2" title="page 2" 2 /a  
a href=" statistics.php?W2W=& amp;act=shouts& amp;FF=& amp;orderby=desc& amp;mod=name& amp;npage=3" title="page 3" 3 /a  
a href=" statistics.php?W2W=& amp;act=shouts& amp;FF=& amp;orderby=desc& amp;mod=name& amp;npage=2" title="next page" >/a  
a href=" statistics.php?W2W=& amp;act=shouts& amp;FF=& amp;orderby=desc& amp;mod=name& amp;npage=611" title="last page" [611] /a

NinthElement 2015/01/06 13:24
Quote: HandsomeDon: Auto page preload isn't work , may npage=2 > need another tag /a > at second time means before arrow_right.png close tag /a >, ucweb provide auto webpage preload feature but in new version browser fail to detect next page location
Good technical observation, I will look into this in-depth later.

Jill 2015/01/06 14:02
/smiley cool..... it would be better if you make the header icons and text as clickable region.... right now only icons are clickable but not text.... if both icon and text are combined together and made clickable area, then that gives good user experience... its just ma opinion though.... but overall design was impressive...... hope this responsive design would fetch more users to stay in 2wap.... gud luck...... /smiley
NinthElement 2015/01/06 14:57
Quote: Jill: /smiley cool..... it would be better if you make the header icons and text as clickable region.... right now only icons are clickable but not text.... if both icon and text are combined together and made clickable area, then that gives good user experience... its just ma opinion though.... but overall design was impressive...... hope this responsive design would fetch more users to stay in 2wap.... gud luck...... /smiley
Ok I've done that now /smiley I added the simpler version of the profile styling as you suggested btw.

NinthElement 2015/01/06 21:00
Quote: HandsomeDon: Auto page preload isn't work , may npage=2 > need another tag /a > at second time means before arrow_right.png close tag /a >, ucweb provide auto webpage preload feature but in new version browser fail to detect next page location
The only difference I can find in the pagination coding is that the next page and previous page links use an image instead of the arrow symbol. /smiley I'll experiment with my Android phone and UC browser later anyway.

Kayli 2015/01/07 21:17
Well done /smiley /smiley
donprecious 2015/01/08 12:24
nice job boss
AmouR 2015/01/08 14:42
Simply put, the newer version sucks.
sHiVeRiNgFlAmE 2015/01/08 19:37
Hareesh 2015/01/12 16:23
its soo better
i like new version but little bit confuse

NinthElement 2015/01/13 00:45
Quote: Hareesh: its soo better
i like new version but little bit confuse
Thanks. Tell us about anything you find confusing or out of place.

HandsomeDon 2015/01/13 06:05
Smarty's status comment notification redirect toward main page , not took to status update likewise old version ..
Repent 2015/01/13 09:23
U cannot reply to the notification pm's when having a dialog with a frnd. example, Im chatting with Ragnorak all of a sudden receive anoda pm from a different user instead of reaching the pm directly when click on [ < ] option, it takes me 2 the main menu
Repent 2015/01/13 09:29
Quote: Repent: U cannot reply to the notification pm's when having a dialog with a frnd. example, Im chatting with Ragnorak all of a sudden receive anoda pm from a different user instead of reaching the pm directly when click on [ < ] option, it takes me 2 the main menu
Shoutcuts. another, to... continuation.

Although i'd have switch to the old version...

click on [ < ] this symbol when having a dialog with a friend and bam another pm from a different user, instead of the symbol to take u directly it fails.

NinthElement 2015/01/13 15:45
Quote: Repent: Shoutcuts. another, to... continuation.

Although i'd have switch to the old version...

click on [ < ] this symbol when having a dialog with a friend and bam another pm from a different user, instead of the symbol to take u directly it fails.
I believe that [ < ] is in the old version only, its function is to take you back to the last page you loaded before entering the inbox.

NinthElement 2015/01/13 17:52
Quote: HandsomeDon: Smarty's status comment notification redirect toward main page , not took to status update likewise old version ..
Thanks, found and fixed the problem.

HandsomeDon 2015/01/13 18:27
Quote: Ragnorak: Thanks, found and fixed the problem.

thanks admin brother , just testing

_dreamprince_ 2015/01/14 09:15
It new version i can edit other's topic but not replies ?? I can edit my post too
edit option is shown but it shown as topic can be protected..yay.
edit | reply | quote | karma 0

Replies: 30

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