Happy New Year Contest [2] by Rohan7862014/12/06 08:48 Dear friend !
Let's (welcome)& celebtate new year 2015. with great entertainments here. We are happy to announce that we are back with the HAPPY NEW YEAR CONTEST
This is a contest by which not only you can enjoy but also you will earn more pulses too.
New Year Greetings Greet here in beautiful and poetic words to whom you wish. You can greet to whole worlds by giving message of peace & harmony. Message of brotherhood etc.
COMEDY In this topic write your own created stuff which can make readers to laugh . In case of jokes you have choice of copy & paste but joke must be unique and should not be found at 2wapworld.
pOEMS [2] Only your own created poems would be acceptable for this topic.
So waitning for what? Enroll your self to enter the contest.
1. One username one entry for each contest.
2. Entry fee only 50pluses (new user pleAse earn your pluses by posting in forums and answer quiz questions).
3.Confirm your entry by write down ''I am in'' no more word please else your entry may void&null.
4.No free posting,insulting,mocking,joking and quoting would be accepted and if found must be deleted.
5.copy&paste is only allowed in comedy contest.
6. All right reserved by Judges panel .
dellie2014/12/07 01:45 New year poem:a wish for the would :my wish is for the world for there to be peace and joy and happiness and always everyone comd together as one in friendship and love for one another and mutual respect and bridge the gap as god has always wanted us to be!
dellie2014/12/07 01:53 New year poem:a wish for the would :my wish is for the world for there to be peace and joy and happiness and always everyone comd together as one in friendship and love for one another and mutual respect and bridge the gap as god has always wanted us to be! My wish simple and easy but its up to us all to put through the effort to try. peace to the world my one and only wish! love your fellow man and woman! god be with all!