>Bone marrow donors by Kayli2014/11/18 19:41 We beg u 2 go and register as a Bone Marrow donar. Thr are so MANY Kids thats just wait 4 a donar. Save a kids life and go and register as a donar. Remember . It cud happen 2 one of ur family also.
Quote: Musafir: All d peoples r posting that i will donate and i will go to hospital.... Hahaha, i ask everyone who posted their favour in donating ? Ask ur self with heart R u gonna donating what u said/committed below.
No I wont donate my blood at this tender age also skinny like me Oh no! even if its my dog unless I'm with the person and accidently, that took place if not no, I love everyone but when i donate blood I will die.
Quote: Musafir: remember one thing kayli darling ! Never trust on person who talks sweetly with u.... They r just liar & fraud.
Is she your wife? if not contact staff to remove the darling thanks.
detrimentum2014/11/19 12:42 We all should do what we can for our fellow humans. Especially for the little people.
Georginia2014/11/20 17:09 Nice info sis to save child life. Jesus said " Wat so ever you do to the least of my brother that you do unto me"
dellie2014/11/21 01:09 i agree its a wonderful thing to save a child. i once donor of blood me my mom and sister. we no longer do to moms age and me and mom and sis dibetic now. but im a donor for parts once gone. if it could save a life when i leave it then i will. who needs parts once your gone?
Quote: Musafir: All d peoples r posting that i will donate and i will go to hospital.... Hahaha, i ask everyone who posted their favour in donating ? Ask ur self with heart R u gonna donating what u said/committed below.
yes i do donate.
Samuel0992014/11/23 04:12 I'm so stupid that, I can donate blood but I dont want anyone to donate blood to me.... Thats why, I'm afraid to do but for kids life I will... I have donate my blood twice, the first attempt I experience dizziness the second was a bit ok...