do you love a shy guy/girl by SONIC 2014/11/04 14:08
personally,I find shy,quiet and reserved girls more cute and attractive..and do hate those loud and obnoxious about you guys/girls?

-LILY- 2014/11/04 14:12
yes i like too much shyness ... /smiley
Rohan786 2014/11/04 14:17
Yupzz...i think shy girl attract me more....
RiC_L 2014/11/05 01:56
Yea i love shy girls they are so lovely.
dellie 2014/11/05 03:24
I can take either or. but my man is a little of both and just right for me! hee!
miniblaze312 2014/11/05 05:28
shy galz or so lovely nd adurable nd that why i lyk them
Eleto 2014/11/05 08:19
Lol. everyone does. I love shy girls
Kayli 2014/11/06 17:41
I am a shy girl '
TemPEST 2014/11/15 09:38
Always adorable
Shahid2m2 2014/11/18 12:52
I love shy girls
lonely_S2 2014/11/19 04:17
lol i dont like shy ppl
jaQui 2014/11/20 08:12
Old woman are shy.../smiley

SONIC 2014/11/28 15:39
Quote: jacki: Old woman are shy.../smiley

Is it?..i don't think so

SONIC 2014/11/28 15:40
Quote: Kayli: I am a shy girl '

jaQui 2014/11/28 16:40
Quote: SONIC: Is it?..i don't think so
good for u...

lonely_S2 2014/11/28 16:57
i dont like shy boys
SONIC 2014/11/28 18:16
Quote: jacki: good for u...
Hehe..may be

Georginia 2014/11/28 18:21
M neither shy nor adorable. M nornal but wud love my man to feel free to talk n be frank.
jorita 2014/12/19 03:10
A shy guy is the best guy ever but don't let shyness get into your head that you might seem too dump
~SaIRa khAN~ 2014/12/25 09:36
yes. . .ri8 . ./smiley
wiLLyRockz 2014/12/26 11:11
Dun knw -nana-
Replies: 28

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