Are you right or left-handed? by Samuel099 2014/09/24 09:03

I'm Right-Handed.

Samuel099 2014/10/21 07:23
Quote: Haseeb: Wrong-handed
Have you lost your hands? oh sorry bestfriend, hahaha use your teeth then legs for typing. /smiley

Samuel099 2014/10/21 07:25
Quote: __adisa__: .aslap. .paint.
Oh no /smiley

Samuel099 2014/10/21 07:28
/smiley I pretty think that right-handed peoples are 98% in the world. Do you agree with me, then how cant you quote, type yeah or yes.
Georginia 2014/10/21 08:49
Quote: Samuel099: Thanks Georginia
Ur -welcome-

Samuel099 2014/10/21 08:55
Quote: Georginia: Ur -welcome-
I saw you reading my topic, in fun zone, laughing there saying Samuel099 is somehow crazy /smiley not this topic rather my new topic in fun zone.

Georginia 2014/10/21 08:59
Quote: Samuel099: Georginia
I saw you reading my topic, in fun zone, laughing there saying Samuel099 is somehow crazy /smiley not this topic rather my new topic in fun zone.
Dats doesn't come to my mind. I never say crazy cos every user have thier own rite to create topic in wapworld.

Samuel099 2014/10/21 09:02
Quote: Georginia: Dats doesn't come to my mind. I never say crazy cos every user have thier own rite to create topic in wapworld.
Hahaha thanks lovely words from..... maybe an angel or.... never mind Im making a guess.

Replies: 27

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