"The True Life-style" by saahir 2014/07/21 18:54
What is true Lifestyle..?

Write here, what do you think.
1): Become rich..?
2): Live with luxuriest life..?
3): Power in politics..?
4): Image of a generous person..?
5): Living life to serve nations..?

Or any other thing you like to live with.
The best comments will be awarded as follws.

Ist winner : 250+ses.
2nd winner:150+ses.
3rd winner: 100+ses.

Rules: No registration.
Anyone can comment here.
No free post. No qoutes. No abusive, provocative comments in person, nations or religions. Commiting such would be noticed seriously and appropriate action would be taken by staff, his post would be deleted.

Winner will be decided by appointed judge.
Result would be declared on 15th August-14.

Judge: Emo_CutE_GirL_

Waiting for what. Get ready to comment since now.


NAASH 2014/08/18 10:52
Quote: Emo_CutE_GiRl_:
Truth better in taste , don't judge all online user according to your assumption , in our 2wapworld every type of users as politician , religious leader , from educational field lecturer and professor , technologies expert and future maker teachers , many icon of their field ... many business man and brilliant students , farmers and labourer and so many other those have great achievements in life... don't judge only you are true and all others are inferior ...
not true life style /smiley
Really okay okay/smiley

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/19 01:06
life style insure our personalies , best life style gives us a recognition in this mob .... winner according to me all but we choose here first three best comments as
1. Georginia
2. -LILY-
3. ladyme

-LILY- 2014/08/19 11:42
/smiley sis nd bro... /smiley
ladyme 2014/08/19 21:14
Thanks Emocute-judge *smiless* and Saahir /smiley
Georginia 2014/08/20 08:04
Special thanks to the judge Mam Emocute n to Saahir bro for this competetion. /smiley
NAASH 2014/08/21 02:59
Quote: Emo_CutE_GiRl_: life style insure our personalies , best life style gives us a recognition in this mob .... winner according to me all but we choose here first three best comments as
1. Georginia
2. -LILY-
3. ladyme
Really a true judgement from you my friend... Great work and keep it up...(sorry my life-style commence in this topic, I just pointed to a guy.. In this topic..because he pointed me that's why_Hey im not scared of any1 and I tell straight toward everything okay okay) Anyway thanks and Have a nice day*nice*

Replies: 26

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