"The True Life-style" by saahir 2014/07/21 18:54
What is true Lifestyle..?

Write here, what do you think.
1): Become rich..?
2): Live with luxuriest life..?
3): Power in politics..?
4): Image of a generous person..?
5): Living life to serve nations..?

Or any other thing you like to live with.
The best comments will be awarded as follws.

Ist winner : 250+ses.
2nd winner:150+ses.
3rd winner: 100+ses.

Rules: No registration.
Anyone can comment here.
No free post. No qoutes. No abusive, provocative comments in person, nations or religions. Commiting such would be noticed seriously and appropriate action would be taken by staff, his post would be deleted.

Winner will be decided by appointed judge.
Result would be declared on 15th August-14.

Judge: Emo_CutE_GirL_

Waiting for what. Get ready to comment since now.


Georginia 2014/07/22 07:18
True life style:-
Live my life to serve the poor,sick n needy who needed my help. I dont have wealth to give them just my kind words to heal thier wounds,my helping hand to help them when they are in need of food,clothing n meds wen they are sick.

-LILY- 2014/07/22 14:58
For me ....
Live in simplicity, talk softly , respect every1 , always happy & smiling on ur face ... its not importnt we r rich or poor.. important is our good behaviors to others.. i belif in simple life ... /smiley

Kayli 2014/07/22 17:21
Im living a very simple lifestyle. . I dont want riches or fame. I just want 2 b myself. /smiley
ladyme 2014/07/22 20:21
To live each day I see like it were my last. Compassionate to all and thankful for the little things of life . Live happy and put a smile on the faces I come across. God first in all I do
Barbiecute 2014/07/23 17:50
well evryday i olwayz make mah day spcl in a different way coz lyf is so precious nd beautiful..all w hv to do to c dis...
FOR me....True lifestyle is....olwayz help others... respect evryone...olwayz put a smile on ur face...talk softly wid others..dnt change urself wid others nd dn compare ur lyfstyle wid others..jst believe in urself.../smiley...thx to god who gv m a vei precious lyf /smiley(:

Aita 2014/07/24 10:50
Nr5. . Thats my passion and my aim in life. .
Boet 2014/07/25 02:15
To care about others as much as you care for yourself. To be able to look in the mirror, and say to yourself; I love you, i'm proud and grateful i have'nt disappointed God
m3r1kach1 2014/07/25 14:37
simple and hapPy lyfstyle
saahir 2014/07/26 14:36
Yesterday is a History

Today is a Mistry


Tomorrow is a Gift.

If really we like to bring a great change in our lives , we must accept the truth.

ABHIRAJ 2014/07/28 14:02
I just live my life in simple way,always gratefull to my family,friends and people around me. Always I am ready to help in their needs,as possible..I never go rude to anyone for whatever be the reason.. Live and let live is my aim.. Dont want anyone to judge me, for i dont judge none..dont have time 4 silly things
jaQui 2014/07/28 15:57
4): Image of a generous person..
NAASH 2014/07/28 16:27
True lifestyle__Some people they don't have time to look around because they are always busy inonline with many girls.. Morning to evening one girl when she gone offline, The other girl come then he spent that whole nite with that girl.. Then the next morning same like that..! Then how they get time in their real life to look around what's happening, What's others doing, How their life going...good or bad..? They take these all like a silly things.think. Really its a waste life /smiley..! __Live like a true Guy.. Where ever you live..! In online or In real life.. That is a True Life-Style*nice*
-Marizelle- 2014/07/31 14:03
A true lifestyle is to serve a mighty God and be grateful for each day we have on earth
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:17
Quote: Georginia: True life style:-
Live my life to serve the poor,sick n needy who needed my help. I dont have wealth to give them just my kind words to heal thier wounds,my helping hand to help them when they are in need of food,clothing n meds wen they are sick.

i think that is best life style

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:18
Quote: -LILY-: For me ....
Live in simplicity, talk softly , respect every1 , always happy & smiling on ur face ... its not importnt we r rich or poor.. important is our good behaviors to others.. i belif in simple life ... /smiley

second best life style

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:21
Quote: ladyme: To live each day I see like it were my last. Compassionate to all and thankful for the little things of life . Live happy and put a smile on the faces I come across. God first in all I do

second best life style appreciable comment...

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:22
Quote: Boet: To care about others as much as you care for yourself. To be able to look in the mirror, and say to yourself; I love you, i'm proud and grateful i have'nt disappointed God

appreciable comment about true life style

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:24
Quote: Kayli: Im living a very simple lifestyle. . I dont want riches or fame. I just want 2 b myself. /smiley

appreciable true life style ..

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:26
Quote: ABHIRAJ: I just live my life in simple way,always gratefull to my family,friends and people around me. Always I am ready to help in their needs,as possible..I never go rude to anyone for whatever be the reason.. Live and let live is my aim.. Dont want anyone to judge me, for i dont judge none..dont have time 4 silly things

way of life that true

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/08/18 10:44
Quote: NAASH: True lifestyle__Some people they don't have time to look around because they are always busy inonline with many girls.. Morning to evening one girl when she gone offline, The other girl come then he spent that whole nite with that girl.. Then the next morning same like that..! Then how they get time in their real life to look around what's happening, What's others doing, How their life going...good or bad..? They take these all like a silly things.think. Really its a waste life /smiley..! __Live like a true Guy.. Where ever you live..! In online or In real life.. That is a True Life-Style*nice*

Truth better in taste , don't judge all online user according to your assumption , in our 2wapworld every type of users as politician , religious leader , from educational field lecturer and professor , technologies expert and future maker teachers , many icon of their field ... many business man and brilliant students , farmers and labourer and so many other those have great achievements in life... don't judge only you are true and all others are inferior ...
not true life style /smiley

Replies: 26

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