>What is th most toughest job 2do by Kayli2014/06/11 07:45 Thr are many tough jobs 2day' but which job is the toughest job accordingly 2u 2do ?
Kayli2014/06/11 07:51 4me the toughest job 2do is 2be Deepsea Fisherman. The go out four months at time in2 the deep ocean, facing very difficult circumstances' rough seas that put them at times in very great danger. They away from thr love ones for 6 - 10 months at a time. And thats tough '
NAASH2014/06/11 08:06 I .think. working in army and saveng peoples from terrorist by giving their life is tough job*nice*
Eleto2014/06/11 08:26 For me, the hardest job is being A Police sketch artist in China.
Georginia2014/06/11 10:36 According to me to be a Mom is the toughest job. To be a good n caring wife to her husband, to be a caring mother to her children right from birth, to teach her children wat is right n wat is wrong, Cook them tiffin.pack n took them to school. She cannot even sit a while after taking them to school she'd hav to clean home,wash cloths for all,wash dishes,cook again,by the time all the work done she hav to go back to school n pick the children from school. Thats the toughest job ever. She never complain even she tired.
_ShAnE_StArK_2014/06/11 10:55 I think railways is the best...
nazeer2014/06/11 11:19 keeping control on diet and maintain weight uff..! !
yes if we wake up early in the morning half work complete before schedule time,
Also wake up in the morning ..... have secret meaning behind it , without initialise any work or without confidence all easy job seems too tough ...
so wake up early in the morning starts your tough job means confidence can makes odd job too easy ......