Who is a man? by Georginia 2014/05/08 11:50
A man is the most beautiful part of God creation who start compromising at a very tender age.
He ssacrifice his chocolate for his sister.
He sacrifice his dreams for just a smile in his parents face.
He spend his entire pocket money on buying gift for the woman he love just to see her smiling.
He sacrifice his full youth for wife n children by working late at night without complain.
He build thier future by taking loans from.banks n repaying them for lifetime.
He struggles alot n still has to bear scolding from his mother,wife n boss.
His life finally end up only by compromosing others happiness.
If he raises hand on a woman den he is cruel.
If he get hits by a woman sen he's a sissy.
If he pick.up fight seeing his girl with another guy then he is jealous or insecure.
If he remain silent den he is a coward.
If he stays at home den he is lazy.
If he scolds children den he is a monster.
If he does not scold den he is irresponsible.
If he stop wife from working den he is an insecure guy.
If he does not wife from working den he is somebody who lives on wife earning.
If he li sten to mom den he is mama's boy.
If he listens to wife , he's wife slave.
Respect every male in your life. You will never know what he has sactifice for you.
Worth telling to everyman to make him smile n every woman to make her realise his worth.

saahir 2014/05/08 12:06
Mutual understanding and respecting with appreciating each other will make life happy. Wethere in case of man or woman.
ABHIRAJ 2014/05/08 12:17
Thanks 4 giving honour to man..wht u said is rite...but man by doing all those scarifices towards woman,get best in returns..
KingFISHER 2014/05/08 15:10
I,m feeling proud hmmm!!!!!
Richie 2014/05/08 16:41
that's good!!!!
Kayli 2014/05/08 18:09
Lovly tru words /smiley
Sannidi 2014/05/09 07:07
_Big-boss_ 2014/05/09 07:52
Thanks 4 ur view towards men..ace topic
kumaar 2014/05/09 07:53
Good nice I think what is .cat.
SONIC 2014/05/09 08:37
m happy that a women hav come up with such a topic/smiley
Jow 2014/05/09 13:58
Datz pleasing to hear. Nice topic dear. Luv it
NIGHT_ANGEL 2014/05/10 09:42
aksy 2014/05/12 19:27
thanks 4 good description about men.
ACIDized 2014/05/13 16:49
Nice to see some one appreciating men. I mean the real author of this article.
jaQui 2014/05/15 03:44
Quote: NIGHT_ANGEL: -goodpost-sis

agree /smiley

NAASH 2014/05/16 16:13
Quote: jacki:
agree /smiley

Me too /smiley

Sam7007 2014/05/26 15:33
thx 4 ur undrstnd n honour fr us (male)
nolsea 2014/05/27 06:28
Make a woman feels comfertentd. Nd incomplate how matter the heart been broken
kris1920 2014/06/09 16:46
nice topic niny
kris1920 2014/06/09 16:49
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man
who compels my strength, who makes
enormous demands on me, who does not
doubt my courage or my toughness, who
does not believe me naive or innocent,
who has the courage to treat me like a

Rohan786 2014/06/10 09:13
Super topic niny
Replies: 21

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