Be aware of lovers by amitverma 2014/04/16 15:40
10 advantages of not having a "LOVER".
1. Save time.
2. Can sleep well.
3. Don't have to bother about missed calls.
4. Don't have to worry about how you look.
5. Can eat in any restaurant.
6. No boring SMS in the middle of night.
7. Can talk with all girls.
8. You won't hear `aaw.. You are dull today`.
9. Can go anywhere with any one.
10. Don't have to listen same old crap jokes..
BONUS:- You will live a long life... So be aware of LOVER!

Milisha 2019/06/09 01:32
Very nice BONUS .lol.
zugzwang 2019/06/09 02:48
can play games with anyone
Replies: 22

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