Be aware of lovers by amitverma 2014/04/16 15:40
10 advantages of not having a "LOVER".
1. Save time.
2. Can sleep well.
3. Don't have to bother about missed calls.
4. Don't have to worry about how you look.
5. Can eat in any restaurant.
6. No boring SMS in the middle of night.
7. Can talk with all girls.
8. You won't hear `aaw.. You are dull today`.
9. Can go anywhere with any one.
10. Don't have to listen same old crap jokes..
BONUS:- You will live a long life... So be aware of LOVER!

KingFISHER 2014/04/16 15:42
Isn't it ''the grapes are sour''. Lol!
Kayli 2014/04/16 16:00
thts so true /smiley grt topic /smiley
-LILY- 2014/04/16 16:12
oh wow great.. vry nice amit... (clap)
ABHIRAJ 2014/04/16 17:07
U are mad amit he he/smiley
Humsafar 2014/04/16 17:56
When u fall in love all those r u feel lovly dr.
akansha 2014/04/17 04:44
He he he gud one
dipeeka 2014/04/17 04:48
Without lover? Gud i llke it/smiley
ashwinjk 2014/04/17 07:40
Yes u are rite.agree
prince_of_darkness 2014/04/17 08:09
_Big-boss_ 2014/04/17 09:10
Feel sorry for gf-hahaha-
NICOLLE 2014/04/17 17:47
Correct Am With U
Georginia 2014/04/17 17:54
Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like ur own company. /smiley
Sanjaysingh 2014/04/19 07:49
No yaar..only who dont have..say this-hahaha-
Samuel099 2014/04/19 18:14
Superb single quote
saahir 2014/04/20 13:47
-goodpost- Amit
Daisy55 2014/04/22 09:59
Yes free frm all silly tention..nice
amitverma 2015/05/28 19:06
Thanx 4 ur coments frndz
nandupk61 2015/05/29 03:50

1st class/smiley

-SoftHeart- 2015/05/29 08:20
But i want 2 realize all tht tention.
tRuEbLuE 2017/11/25 10:00
This is absolutely right
Replies: 22

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