Happy Birthday GEORGINIA by Rohan786 2014/02/27 11:35
hey its Georginia birthday on 4th March
so start wishing her

I wish you luck, happiness and riches today, tomorrow and beyond.

As you look back on yesterday, may your memories be warm ones. As you celebrate today, may your heart be filled with happiness and joy. As you look ahead to tomorrow, may your deepest hopes and dreams come true for you!

I wish you to celebrate all the wonderful things that make you so special, not just on your special day, but on every day of the year!

I wish that for every extra candle on your cake, you receive an extra reason to smile. Happy Birthday to you!

Don't worry about what people say behind your back. They're the ones who find faults in your life instead of fixing their own!


Kakaji 2014/02/27 19:19
Happy Bday


ArjunPratap 2014/02/28 01:25
wish you a happy birthday in advanced /smiley
/smiley /smiley

Georginia 2014/02/28 05:19
Many thanks to all my well wishers, my 2wap sisters, my 2wap brothers, Friends, my best friends Rohan" Rohan dont leave 2wap social zone wud be empty without ur topic" ur a great topic writer please dont leave or do visit us sometimes. A great thanks goes to [naash1] my special friend.
NAASH 2014/02/28 07:16
Okay Okay [geo] you're most .welcome. My Special friend/smiley
Zaphara 2014/02/28 10:31
Happy birthday Miss Georgina!! May ur day lots of fun and more blessings to come.
Georginia 2014/03/03 14:30
Thanks to all my 2wap frens. May u all be Blessed with abundance of love n good health too. M proud to be a member of this wap.
NIGHT_ANGEL 2014/03/03 14:39
Millions Of Greetings,

Thousands Of Colors,

Hundreds of Wishes,

Kgs Of Cakes,

Lots of Smiles,

Thats What I Ask God 2 Give U Throughout your Life!
HaPpY Birthday/smiley

saahir 2014/03/03 16:40

To You
My sweet little sister.

Urinal 2014/03/03 17:19
best wishes from a hygienic urinal on your happy birthday. Have a nice PP.
DaNGeRoUs_SwAG 2014/03/03 17:22
Happy Birthday Georginia..
May God bless u

KingFISHER 2014/03/04 01:34
Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays, live the longest.
May you always remain healthy and celebrate hundreds of birthdays!

ArjunPratap 2014/03/04 01:41
May God Bless You

Georginia 2014/03/04 01:41
Quote: AprilSnow: Happy bday Georgina!
(tnx) Aprilsnow

Georginia 2014/03/04 01:47
Quote: S-ALI.RAZA: /smiley Happy birth day Georginia
(tnx) Ali

Georginia 2014/03/04 01:49
Quote: princess_Soniya: Happy birthday to you sis,may god shower his richest blessing upon you and may you remain has sweet has you are god bless
(tnx) sis

Georginia 2014/03/04 01:51
Quote: saahir: /smiley

To You
My sweet little sister.
(tnx) my sweet bro /smiley

Georginia 2014/03/04 01:53
Quote: KingFISHER: Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays, live the longest.
May you always remain healthy and celebrate hundreds of birthdays!
/smiley big bro. Ur my adviser n a great inspirator in my life/smiley

KingFISHER 2014/03/04 01:59
Quote: Georginia: /smiley big bro. Ur my adviser n a great inspirator in my life/smiley

Omg! It's really????

Zapata 2014/03/04 02:15
Hope your birthday is totally cool, really funtastic, wonderful, exciting, majorly awesome, rocking and HAPPY. Happy Birthday wishes.

jaQui 2014/03/04 05:58
,,,,,,,,, /smiley hapi bifday tante!
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