What's in ur mind..?? by
Rohan786 2014/02/24 03:04
Write anything that comes in ur mind...
-LILY- 2014/02/24 18:44
why u think wrong..
ArjunPratap 2014/02/24 18:53
-LILY-: why u think wrong..
in my view it is correct and in your view it may be wrong
Rohan786 2014/02/25 02:23
-LILY-: why u use me for ur persnal matters ?
What does dat mean...??.lol.
Rohan786 2014/02/25 02:25
Good morning....
Rohan786 2014/02/25 02:28
-LILY-: pls star again ur wonderful topics.
Wonderful,I dont remember any of his topic
Rohan786 2014/02/25 02:30
Sorry was just joking....
-LILY- 2014/02/25 12:43
its ok..
-LILY- 2014/02/25 12:44
gud evening....
-LILY- 2014/02/25 12:47
sorry '
-LILY- 2014/02/25 12:49
nothing that mean :-D
Rohan786 2014/02/25 14:22
Good night.... -gn-
-LILY- 2014/02/25 14:58
for now byeeeeeeeee...
anaya 2014/02/25 15:08
cutix brands
-LILY- 2014/02/26 16:09
gud evng...
Replies: 250
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