"MAN I KNEW U'LL COME" by -LILY-2014/02/23 12:41 (clily)
In a battle a soldier prepared to bring his wounded friend back from the field.
His Capt. says, "Its of no use! ur friend must be dead". But Soldier still goes & brings back his friend. Seeing the dead body.
Captain says, "I told u its of no worth. He's dead.
The Soldier replies "No Sir, it was really of worth. When I got to him.
My friend saw me, smiled & said his last word "MAN I KNEW U'LL COME"..!! -friends-
aksy2014/02/25 17:58 so sad at last bt heart touching.
TinHeart2014/02/25 19:45 great story...in a war we are not all blood brothers but we stand togheter as brothers in arms...