* Be Proud of the Month u were Born * by Hareesh 2014/01/24 05:38
Be proud of the month you were born.You are?????
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
................Very Important
9. September ...............Gracious
10. October ................Wonderful
Lets see the month
with more people!

haris 2015/12/31 18:51
@libra, Even though if i was serious(though i wasnt), its not crime to ask a phone number from a fellow 2wapper..
haris 2015/12/31 19:52
@libra, then you should have come up with a better reason to avoid giving ur number. why did you brought up my personal life into it? like, being a father of two, husband of one, yet askinng my phone number? Silly Omen
haris 2015/12/31 20:16
Dont get personal, dont pick my parents. take it as a request/warning. ty
haris 2015/12/31 20:18
You are too good and highly Educated to debate on science.. So plz go ahead.
Hareesh 2016/08/03 19:29
Jl me
Replies: 25

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