which subject you hate to study....??? by Rohan786 2013/12/09 13:27
there may be some subject that you don want to study or hate to study
please comment the name of that subject
you can comment more then one sub name.........

Kayli 2013/12/09 20:26
maths grrr /smiley
fu9it1v3 2013/12/10 01:06
Physics, Math, Accounting. I always knew I was going to law school so why the hell should I know anything about what time Jill and Jack should meet on the street if Jill went at that time with this speed and Jack went at this time with that speed. As if it holds anything important to me. So wasting my time - sorry I've been wanting to nag about it whole my life. /smiley
Rohan786 2013/12/10 10:10
-LILY- 2013/12/10 11:10
in school maths
now quantitative methods

Sivakumar 2013/12/11 06:55
This is the coding of typing :-P
Rohan786 2013/12/12 11:23
Raks~RoCks 2013/12/14 14:24
Every subject lol
Rohan786 2013/12/14 15:54
Rohan786 2013/12/16 15:25
-math- /smiley
tinker.bell 2013/12/17 15:22
Rohan786 2013/12/21 10:08
Rohan786 2014/01/23 02:57
TinHeart 2014/01/23 03:04
latin language.i'm not Harry Potter to cast spells in latin /smiley
i_love_u_arzu 2014/02/04 03:13
DaNGeRoUs_SwAG 2014/03/01 14:34
Naaz 2014/03/13 07:07
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2014/03/21 05:27
Chemistry, history, geography, political science and analog electronics :/
SAFDAR 2014/03/27 01:26
MAthe and statistics
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/03/30 02:07
ONLY MATH /smiley
Basim360 2014/04/03 01:57
Replies: 33

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