is GOD really exist? by ALASTAR2013/11/23 16:44 Friends i had ine question.....
Is really god does exist.....
If so then how he look......
If so then what is his identity......
If so then y we call him with different names......
If so then where he is.....
If god is everywhere then y people try to find him in temples....churches ..... n masjid......
Y? .....can anyone .......
Samuel0992014/03/04 16:44 Your scienties may said human have four tails,according to me have you seen any human haven a tail before if not believe in God and again charles darwin said humanbeing are ape then later become human by my question why is it that ape are not contineous to change to be human but rather in forest. GOD is not like me. if it were me i will take your life.
Male19742014/09/04 21:22 Science cant prove that god exists,so I dont believe that god is real!!
Cool_desiree2014/09/08 03:21 God does exist and he is in our heart and our mind. Even if you dont believe it sometimes you still call His Name when you are hurt or when you are in trouble.