Vampire Style! by prince_of_darkness 2013/11/20 12:18
Who interested in living in vampire style?!!

RiC_L 2014/01/12 18:54
Thats a cool style yaar.
But im not a vempire.,. so intresting dude
may i join here.

prince_of_darkness 2014/01/15 21:30
You most welcome Ricky! .thumbsup.
ladyme 2014/01/15 21:47
Hey xkyn u r my friend but I'm gonna jail ya if i see ur vampire form .tongue. LOL
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/15 21:53
Hah ha! stay as a frnd! /smiley thatz enough ladyme!
TinHeart 2014/01/17 06:31
Dear brother,what you are talking about has absolutely nothing to do with vampires!I'm from Romania,where the legend of the vampire Dracula(Vlad Tepes or Vlad Dracul) reigned over Valahia.I read some books,heard almost all the legends,visited the Poenari Citadel,The Bran Castle...I never encountered such a philosofy as yours.I don't disagree with your posts but maybe you should rename it to Children of the Darkness of something else...
TinHeart 2014/01/17 06:33
oh...and topic should be moved to Myth and Mistery forum

prince_of_darkness 2014/01/17 06:39
not really frnd,,am talking, scientific and psychological facts,,no mystery here! read carefuly!
TinHeart 2014/01/17 06:53
I read it twice before I posted.Still I can't imagine were you got the "Vampire Style" name for your post and why all your stepps are all more like a wanna be shaolin practice...oh,and the fifth step must be opening The Third Eye...
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/17 21:15
i used vampire style, bcoz vampires are favourite than ghosts or othr myth creatures. and tho nt sucks blood,,
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/17 21:18
,,tho nt sucks bloods, by practisin thiz, one can gain similar abilities as strength, speed, high senses etc.
jaQui 2014/01/17 21:25
Wtf,,,! /smiley
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/18 06:42
yes jacki,,i can assure that! am talking with the experiense,,
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/18 06:51
but, only knwing a theory wont makes a person advanced. bcoz expertise comes thru the experience!
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/18 06:56
,,and the experience comes thru the practise!
AGONYandEXTASY 2014/01/22 22:21
Quote: Xkyn: and anybdy here knw that da existence of real vampires?
do you need a proof?

prince_of_darkness 2014/01/23 01:00
yes,,but not a product of movie makers, or, bram stalkers,..are you a one?
prince_of_darkness 2014/01/24 19:30
i have some frndz with some skills. but i want meet a more real one!
ZARMAAN_2 2014/09/09 18:39
meet me in pm.

wiLLyRockz 2014/10/06 15:29
vampire .... i
Smarty 2015/12/04 20:20
I can't say for sure. /smiley.
Replies: 100

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