Awsome story, must read by Rohan786 2013/09/30 09:17
Husband comes home drunk and breaks some crockery,
vomits and falls down on the floor...
Wife pulls him up and cleans everything.

Next day wen he gets up he expects her to be really angry wid him....
He prays that they should not have a
He finds a note near the table...

"Honey..your favorite breakfast is ready on the table,
i had to leave early to buy grocery...
i will come running back to you, my love.
I love you. ...

He gets surprised and asks his son..,
'what happened last night..?

Son told...,"

when mom pulled you to bed and tried
removing your boots and shirt..
you were dead drunk and you said......

"Hey Lady ! Leave Me Alone...
I M Married !!!

That's True Love...
its all crazy :)) so cute

True ove is nough...feel it Not only by heart but also by Soul

aksy 2014/01/08 20:06
really nice

Swt.Raaz 2014/01/09 03:52
nice very nice
Rohan786 2014/10/07 04:46
ABHIRAJ 2014/10/07 05:43
Drunkers are good faithfull story
dellie 2014/10/10 03:28
Good one my friend.
Replies: 25

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