I am living inside your Eyes by LoneLy_heArt 2013/09/24 16:39
Because of you all my thoughts are memorable...

Because of you all my dreams are sweet...

Because of you every second of mine was special...

Because of you all my life is a wonder...

I will neither go away from your vision nor from your life...

Your love is a miracle...

it will always do some magic...

When you take everything away from me

You will be still there as the emptiness

Whenever you are happy you can feel me

I will be there with you as the happiness sweetheart...

never cry once in your life I will die because I am living inside your eyes.

paparazi 2013/11/21 23:05
nice rhymes
Smarty 2015/10/24 18:26
Tell me a little about your life in inside my Eyes.
Replies: 22

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