Ar yu a headturner? by Kayli 2013/07/28 17:35
When a grl/boy saw yu. Do they turn thr heads again 2 look at you

ACIDized 2013/07/31 09:00
Quote: BeLLaDOnnA: don't know why everybody is using my name its disturbing

Cause everyone is using a BB Code (forum Code) The Code is "you #" (use it without spaces). The you # generates the Viewers User Name. So anyone who views the post containing the BB Code, sees his own name. (lol)

For more BB codes check out this pinned topic.
NEW/topic/3134415>topic id: 3134415

BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/31 11:42
Quote: ACIDized:
Cause everyone is using a BB Code (forum Code) The Code is "you #" (use it without spaces). The you # generates the Viewers User Name. So anyone who views the post containing the BB Code, sees his own name. (lol)

For more BB codes check out this pinned topic.
NEW/topic/3134415>topic id: 3134415
lol thanx now I know !!

ACIDized 2013/07/31 16:27
Quote: BeLLaDOnnA: lol thanx now I know !!
No prob BeLLaDonnA! (yes)

____THe.bosS 2013/08/01 01:34
Yeah they do
user 2013/09/08 14:37
Quote: ____THe.bosS: Yeah they do

To campare ur uglines?

Smarty 2015/10/15 11:14
Is this a riddle? Who are "they" again?
-Marizelle- 2015/10/15 16:03
Maybe I dnt know
Replies: 27

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