Come on over and and and and by Kumz 2013/07/15 13:34
Oops! Sorry the cd got stuck. Heck! Who needs a cd player when we have Jacki on the Mic, Dashman on the drums, Navi and some random dude on the guitars! Let's ROCK THIS HOUSE ya'll!!!

Dashman 2013/07/15 15:40
Come on Nancy... don't shy ... tap... tap
Kumz 2013/07/15 15:41
Quote: HandsomeDon: wow thanks i am /smiley
already??? Lol!!! You've been to too many parties tonight, mate!!

Kumz 2013/07/15 15:42
Quote: nancylious: kumz am just having fun with dashy his great
woah! You two are really rocking the party!!! .music.

nancylious 2013/07/15 15:44
Quote: mohit-km: this party getting hot .music.
this party getting hot .music. come on ,mohit come on

Kumz 2013/07/15 15:46
Quote: Dashman: Come on Nancy... don't shy ... tap... tap
dude! I didn't know you could dance so well!!!

Dashman 2013/07/15 15:49
Quote: Kumz: dude! I didn't know you could dance so well!!!
yes I really dance with my buddy some year ago with my Buddy.... on net

Kumz 2013/07/15 15:51
Quote: Dashman: yes I really dance with my buddy some year ago with my Buddy.... on net
you're a fantastic online dancer!!!!! You deserve q title here on 2 wap for that. And of course so does Nancy!!

Dashman 2013/07/15 15:51
Quote: nancylious: kumz am just having fun with dashy his great
thank you for yr dance ... enjoy part y

Dashman 2013/07/15 15:54
Thank u kumz for party nd yr arrangement ... invite me any time.. enjoy all
Kumz 2013/07/15 16:03
Quote: Dashman: Thank u kumz for party nd yr arrangement ... invite me any time.. enjoy all
thanks for coming for my party Dashy!

The_Torpid 2013/07/15 16:19
jaQui 2013/07/15 16:31
nancylious 2013/07/15 16:32
tanx kumz i really enjoyed myself nd pls invite me on ur next party
Trax 2013/07/15 16:45
Quote: Kumz: wuddup mate! I'm looking for a cocktail mixer. Wanna volunteer? You can mix it anyway you want and name the cocktails qs you wish!

Kumz 2013/07/15 16:46
Quote: jacki: .rocker.
lol!!! Wow!!! Heavy metal! m/

Kumz 2013/07/15 16:47
Quote: Trax: yupz..suRe...!
get mixing!!

Kumz 2013/07/15 16:48
Quote: nancylious: tanx kumz i really enjoyed myself nd pls invite me on ur next party
/smiley With pleasure!!

Trax 2013/07/15 16:49
Quote: Kumz: get mixing!!
buT i wannA suM tReat...!

Kumz 2013/07/15 16:50
Quote: Trax: buT i wannA suM tReat...!
like a magic show? Or Scooby snax? /smiley

Trax 2013/07/15 16:52
Quote: Kumz: like a magic show? Or Scooby snax? /smiley
.lol. /smiley
noR dAt...

Replies: 74

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