Online list trick by Harun2013/07/14 17:13 -heya- PPl
Today we see online list increase suddenly to 81 when less regular user are online. How this happen can u tell? I know this work of jokers, they spam sex chat sites and their dirty mind ppl come here for sex chat and also many multi nick created to show high online by admins
NinthElement2013/07/14 17:15 Funny topic. Actually it's Google Adwords, I did promise an online boost or two for this month.
Quote: ACIDized:
Are you just targeting the ads to Asian & African Countries? Haven't seen any new member registered from other continents.
I was targeting worldwide to all English-speaking users. It is also possible to target specific countries but today I wanted as many to register at once as possible.
Today we see online list increase suddenly to 81 when less regular user are online. How this happen can u tell? I know this work of jokers, they spam sex chat sites and their dirty mind ppl come here for sex chat and also many multi nick created to show high online by admins