Bb2wap press arena by Amorian 2013/06/24 11:35
In this arena players are going to be interveiwed at random bases as shown in the time tableTime table
* The press moderator is:jacki
* The moderator is going to ask you as a player just any question relating to the game and it would be atleast one question per each press talk day per player
* Please no free post.


NinthElement 2013/07/08 13:45
Yes, I consider myself to be a romantic soul as idealists usually are. /smiley Although I'm often perceived as being rather formal I'm actually a warm person inside, and so as a partner I am affectionate and like to express my love frequently in both varying and consistent ways. Traditional romantic things appeal to me such as having a candlelit dinner, watching movies or going to the theatre together, but I think when you love someone anything positive you do with them will feel romantic. For this reason I appreciate having a lady I can share everything with and who enjoys or supports the things I do, someone I can consider to be a true partner in every sense. .cheers. For my part her happiness will be my priority every bit as much as mine is hers. /smiley
Kumz 2013/07/08 20:14
Quote: Amorian: please am sorry that jacki couldnt make it today. I guess she was stuck up at network jam.. Below is the press talk..

1. How would u distinguish bb2wap last year frm this yrs event?
2. Are u enjoying the game.
3. How many fanz do u think u've got?
4. Has the research tasks helped you..?
5. What would u love to say tobigbrother.?
6. How would u take it if u werebeing evicted?

1. The tasks this year are very much different from last year. More hard work. Fantastic upgrade from last time, I must say!

2. Unfortunately I missed the first few tasks as I had a hectic week at work, but I really enjoyed today's task and I'm sure I would have enjoyed the ones I missed, too.

3. Doubt I have any fans... lol! I'm not really a FANtastic person, you see?

4. I didn't have to research for the task I did today, but it sure helped me brush up on my writing skills

5. "Yo! Big bro! You Fantastico!!"

6. I'd embrace it with a warm hug and burp it off in the winner's face. lol! Just messing with you. I've been evicted before... and the last time it happened, I just had a few drinks and cried myself to sleep. No biggie. lol! cheers!

Kumz 2013/07/08 20:32
Quote: jacki:
Dear you# I am Jacki
the Press moderator
you here at
My Question (q)
Tell me about YOURSELF

Dear Jacki, I am Kumz. /smiley

I'm a 31 year old primary school teacher. I love children and animals. I enjoy reading, writing, photography and travelling.
I love the beach and I love the green mountains.
Long, slow walks and sitting by fountains.
White is my favourite colour, and blue,
Pink and purple, I like them too.
Beethoven, Chopin, Bach and Mozart,
The only true musicians whose music touched my heart.
PINK, Shania, Dido and a few other folk,
Didn't do too bad either, with their music, I suppose.
It's not on purpose that I make my words rhyme,
But when I start writing something happens to my mind.
And when it's all done, I just cant fathom,
How all I've written ends up being a poem!

Kumz 2013/07/08 20:41
Quote: jacki: Dear you# I am Jacki
the Press moderator.
Welcome again at
Bb2wap Congratulations for not being evicted. My Question today(q)
Tell me about your
Are you romantic?
Do u like dinner by candle light? Spoiling
Your lover with gifts & flowers?

I'm proud to say I've been in love... with the same beautiful woman whom I met almost eight years ago. We've had our ups and downs and twists and turns, but we're still going strong. I'm not sure if I'm romantic or a real bore, but she doesn't complain... so I suppose she likes me the way I am.
She prepares the home made candle pit dinners since she's a better cook. lol! She spoils ME rotten...

integrity-daolyboy 2013/07/08 21:51
I would say i really love the romatic side of life but for now i'd say my romatic level is zero. I zeroed my mind to that because i've got a bit of academic pursuit which i have to pursue with all diligence. So for now i am not involved in any romantic lifestyle.
The_Torpid 2013/07/09 03:24
Dear Jacki,I'm A School Student In Class 9th.....I am a Good Student coZ I'm So Sincere about My Studies....In My personal Life,I wanna Be Cool & Bohemian.I try to respect all my Elders at every Place,but sometimes They Mess With Me & Then I can't Stop my Anger.I'm Romantic,Full of emotions,Alone But always ready to Mingle.......Ok I can't tell Anymore Universal Truths........It Sucks.... /smiley !!!
sharathkumargn 2013/07/09 16:58
About myself... My name is Sharath.. full name Sharath Kumar G N.... i'm from incredible India as well.. i'm 17 years and 223 days old who located in Karnataka.. my mother tongue is kannada.. i'm not good in english and so worried about that...i need to learn much from here... i like to make new friends... my hobbies is to online here and playing cricket, video games, PS2... much more excited about 2wap... currently I'm studying my aim is to becoming Charted Accountent.... my nature is sensitive and non-violence... i like parties, pop songs which've made me crazy.... My favourate quote is 'Life is nothing when we everything'... I don't like to hurt anyone.. if they do so i don't care... /smiley
jaQui 2013/07/13 02:45
Hi there dear you#
im back and my QUESTION today is

jaQui 2013/07/13 02:46
If u were to be involved
in a real life bigbrother
invent in ur country or
continent. And you win
how will u spend the
money given to you...
You all knw that the
prize for winning
bb2wap is 2500+s.. How
would u spend it too?

Kumz 2013/07/13 04:38
Quote: jacki: If u were to be involved
in a real life bigbrother
invent in ur country or
continent. And you win
how will u spend the
money given to you...
You all knw that the
prize for winning
bb2wap is 2500+s.. How
would u spend it too?
Hi Jacki! /smiley If I won Big Brother (which is highly unlikely) I'd probably put most of the winning money into a children's saving account for my precious nephew, have an alms giving for kids at an orphanage and have a good time with the rest of the cash.

If I win Big Brother 2Wap, which is also unlikely, I'd probably not do much at all with the winning plusses. Perhaps donate some to new comers to get them started here and make them stay longer. Or maybe even have a little quiz or competition and use the plusses as gifts.

S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/13 07:37
What is this.friends
integrity-daolyboy 2013/07/13 09:35
If i happened to be participating in a real bb in my country and won. I will simply use the money for charity, nothing more nothing less
InternetLord 2013/07/13 10:31
If I win the big brother in my country or continent I will use the money given to me to pay my tithe first of all,then I will deposit some to the less privilege,help some poor people around,then use the rest to invest in some businesses that will benefit others.

If I win the big brother here I will use the pluses to host the 2wap breakfast show and some other games,I can still lend to some people that will need it for some good purposes. /smiley

The_Torpid 2013/07/13 14:13
Firstly,I'll Organize a Grand Competition at 2wap Coz -2wap- .Then I'll Give Some Pluses To Handsomedon Coz He has Helped me alot,when I was New Here & I wasn'nt Having +es ...../smiley
Trax 2013/07/13 16:06
Quote: Amorian: please am sorry that jacki couldnt make it today. I guess she was stuck up at network jam.. Below is the press talk..

1. How would u distinguish bb2wap last year frm this yrs event?
2. Are u enjoying the game.
3. How many fanz do u think u've got?
4. Has the research tasks helped you..?
5. What would u love to say tobigbrother.?
6. How would u take it if u werebeing evicted?
1. This yeaR is wAs moRe fuN compAre to prviouS 1..
2.yupz a lot, but too trafic on conn innerupt me... /smiley
3.manY... verY haRd to paRticulaRise...!!!
4. /smiley a lot...!
5.He's tooooooo helpful and harD labouR....!
6.noR anY morE...!!!

NinthElement 2013/07/13 23:24
Quote: jacki: If u were to be involved
in a real life bigbrother
invent in ur country or
continent. And you win
how will u spend the
money given to you...
You all knw that the
prize for winning
bb2wap is 2500+s.. How
would u spend it too?
I'd buy my own 'mansion' with the prize money after growing used to the Big Brother one /smiley As for the pluses, I'll gradually gift them to those who need it.

S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/14 03:15
Bb2wap GoOD
sharathkumargn 2013/07/14 03:51
Quote: jacki: If u were to be involved
in a real life bigbrother
invent in ur country or
continent. And you win
how will u spend the
money given to you...
You all knw that the
prize for winning
bb2wap is 2500+s.. How
would u spend it too?
If I won the 2.5k prize money firstly i will purchase one samsung galaxy tab /smiley lol or i wil invest some money to my savings bank account for future use and I will frankly donate the remaining money to poor people.

jaQui 2013/07/15 14:26
Dear you# my QUESTION today is about how would you handle TOLERANCE in daily life,,,
What option would you choose. (q)

jaQui 2013/07/15 14:30

Your neighbour has
brought a new dog that spoils your garden. You will
i. Hit the dog next time
when it enters your
ii. Ask your neighbour for compensation.
iii. Talk to your
neighbour and request
him to keep his dog

Replies: 105

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