-Happy Birthday Amorian- by -Marizelle- 2013/06/21 10:20
Hi friend. On Saturday, June 22,our friend Amorian,had his birthday. Let's wish him and flood his Guestbook -bday-

THE_SPEAR_KING 2013/06/21 17:41
god bless u

GhAyAl 2013/06/21 18:41
Happy birthday amoriann
integrity-daolyboy 2013/06/21 19:11
Hbd bro... God's grace wil kip speaking 4 u
kangaman 2013/06/21 20:14
have a great saturday and make ot run into sunday also /smiley
kangaman 2013/06/21 20:15
happy birthday
Kakaji 2013/06/21 20:38
HBD to u /smiley /smiley

Kumz 2013/06/22 04:16
happy birthday, my friend... all the very best for a great year ahead!
The_Torpid 2013/06/22 07:23
I need a 5 pound Cake & 30 Cans To Celebrate your b'day.BTW,
Happy Birthday Bro!! /smiley

Manal 2013/06/22 08:15
Happy birthday amorian/smiley
Replies: 29

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