our admin kf. by Dashman 2013/06/08 17:59
-heya- PPl

Any1 tell me ... what his contributions as admin???

I m talking about king fisher ... I have no idea on what base that guys get admin tools... they have not any quality as admin..

Thank u nd close topic if u in team .. joker always joker

Kumz 2013/06/08 18:14
He's a quality poster. He posts quality BULLSHYT. /smiley
Dashman 2013/06/08 18:16
Quote: Kumz: He's a quality poster. He posts quality BUPLSHYT. /smiley
we have many quality poster .. yr logic not senseble at all... waiting for ban tools

THE_SPEAR_KING 2013/06/08 18:18
Only Gumslone or Smarty can solve this

Kumz 2013/06/08 18:19
Quote: Kumz: He's a quality poster. He posts quality BUPLSHYT. /smiley
meant to say BULLSHY. lol!

Dashman 2013/06/08 18:20
Quote: THE_SPEAR_KING: .run.
Only Gumslone or Smarty can solve this
I know 1 more prsn who solve it .bpeace.

Kumz 2013/06/08 18:23
Quote: Dashman: we have many quality poster .. yr logic not senseble at all... waiting for ban tools
KingFisher is a insecure little brat who can't handle criticism.

Kumz 2013/06/08 18:25
Quote: Dashman: we have many quality poster .. yr logic not senseble at all... waiting for ban tools
You'd do a much better job had you been an admin. at least you don't copy paste stupid ass topics just for the sake of making topics.

Dashman 2013/06/08 18:27
Quote: Kumz: KingFisher is a insecure little brat who can't handle criticism.
agree he is not secular ... any comments against his religious ... he n his gf not tolerate at all... thanks for fair post here

Lost_SouL 2013/06/08 18:27
I don't see nothing to laugh about it...I wonder why we should care what kingfisher does for this site...Uhm...I can eat well...I can sleep well and I can live my life well no matter what kingfisher does......
Kumz 2013/06/08 18:28
Even Idiot would be so much better as an admin. Idiot speaks/writes better English than King bloody Fisher.
Dashman 2013/06/08 18:28
Quote: Kumz: You'd do a much better job had you been an admin. at least you don't copy paste stupid ass topics just for the sake of making topics.
me sorry madam ... I never want it... I m happy with my own status...

Kumz 2013/06/08 18:30
Quote: MistiQue: I don't see nothing to laugh about it...I wonder why we should care what kingfisher does for this site...Uhm...I can eat well...I can sleep well and I can live my life well no matter what kingfisher does......
Double negative sentence... *sigh*

Dashman 2013/06/08 18:34
Quote: MistiQue: I don't see nothing to laugh about it...I wonder why we should care what kingfisher does for this site...Uhm...I can eat well...I can sleep well and I can live my life well no matter what kingfisher does......
. Oh u mean they rule on us with out quality nd we bear them ... in which time zone u living???? They must accountable ... site need user

Kumz 2013/06/08 18:35
Quote: Dashman: agree he is not secular ... any comments against his religious ... he n his gf not tolerate at all... thanks for fair post here
oh yeah... I forgot that he too is a religious fanatic like most others here. bleh!

Dashman 2013/06/08 18:38
Quote: Kumz: Even Idiot would be so much better as an admin. Idiot speaks/writes better English than King bloody Fisher.
agree idiot is more sensible then many admin here... I like if he get tools here...

saahir 2013/06/08 18:48
As an admin I feel he is doing well. If any 1 feel any injustice, he can prove himself innocent.
Kumz 2013/06/08 18:52
Quote: saahir: As an admin I feel he is doing well. If any 1 feel any injustice, he can prove himself innocent.
true... he needs to prove himself innocent as he commits a crime almost everything he writes a long sentence. he kills the queen!!! /smiley

Dashman 2013/06/08 18:53
Quote: saahir: As an admin I feel he is doing well. If any 1 feel any injustice, he can prove himself innocent.
Mr. He prove himself .... I don't need to give evidence... nd u r not /smiley so stay in yr line .. its not yr india

Lost_SouL 2013/06/08 18:54
Quote: Dashman: . Oh u mean they rule on us with out quality nd we bear them ... in which time zone u living???? They must accountable ... site need user
Do you know what I say on my site when users made and ask such kind of question? All sites are not for free...someone pay some money/year (I pay too) so let's think about how I see things...I pay money that users can enjoy for free and still they ask me why I have X or Y in my staff team...Uhm...I answer th very polite and that thing I will say it to you too: "See there ...down on the page on Main Menu..there is somewhere written "dissconected" ...click there and never come back if you are not happy here ..Nobody hold you by force!" Yes..site needs users but users needs staff too!-pardon- I even don' t know kingfisher...but I just said my opinion even that you like it or not!No offense...and nothing personal.

saahir 2013/06/08 18:56
Quote: Dashman: Mr. He prove himself .... I don't need to give evidence... nd u r not /smiley so stay in yr line .. its not yr india

I know my place who r u to show me who I'm. Be there where u r. And mind ur language,

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