wanna b my gud friend???? by lyresh13 2013/04/26 00:48
ola..any1 huz wanNa b my gudFrnd here.Ilove makng frnds .ChatTng and kn0wing othr pipol ol ovr d w0rld.?Tnx 4 viewng diz *^_^*

The_Torpid 2013/06/05 04:32
Me!! /smiley
Sonu009 2013/06/06 11:37
yes always
lyresh13 2013/06/08 09:07
wiw ive misS chaTt?ng in !r esp.my cl0se frndz..tc ol
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/08 10:35
lyresh13 2013/06/08 10:38
sn0w budDy H!
lyresh13 2013/06/09 03:40
.HAVE A BLESs sundy 2 us..peaCe be wid u /smiley
Eeprom1 2013/06/09 14:25
ding dong
lyresh13 2013/06/09 16:17
lyresh13 2013/06/10 02:41
it oNly takes 1 sm?Le 2 h!De milL!0n of tearz!!!gm
lyresh13 2013/06/10 06:29
be!Ng n!Ce 2 s0me1 u dnt l!Ke isnt cAlLed be!Ng fake itz cAlled resPct and hav!ng urSelf educAteD..
jermaine0207 2013/06/11 06:06
I'm new here.
HappY_PrincE 2013/06/13 11:55
Me too new here /smiley
lyresh13 2013/06/16 17:43
o0pz misS p0stng in hea .H!H! /smiley
Hareesh 2013/06/20 08:29
I will try frnd but not sure ok ?
lyresh13 2013/06/22 08:22
InternetLord 2013/06/23 14:37
-welcome- we can be friends
lyresh13 2013/06/27 08:40

ya sure``,:-D

sharathkumargn 2013/06/28 00:46
I'm with you gal...
she13 2013/06/29 23:11
lyresh13 2013/08/13 08:11
i misS** u alL my fr!Ends /smiley
Replies: 46

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