your best mobile? by kkingk 2013/04/20 09:13
samsung -pen-

Sam7007 2013/06/21 13:30
Samsung galaxy series
Kakaji 2013/06/22 07:12
InternetLord 2013/06/23 21:08
Blackberry /smiley
chattyType 2013/06/25 02:38
Any1 that works properly lol dont like bb though
Robert3 2013/06/26 06:16
Se xp.x10i .,.
King4love 2013/07/28 11:12
Nokia simplest an d best.
Hareesh 2013/07/31 04:50
Nokia. . . .x2nd 6030
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/07/31 06:11
Nokia is the best phone its very easy to use
Mannah 2013/07/31 10:02
Nokia6303c is the best.
SAGITTARIUS 2013/07/31 20:48
I like Nokia,Blackberry and Samsung fones.
Tinky 2013/08/01 14:47
Nokia lumia
Phoebe3 2013/08/02 14:50
Se x10i . ..
ibrahimsk 2013/08/02 23:23
Trax 2013/08/04 16:49
nokiA iz be*test of bEst..!
Phoebe3 2013/08/06 11:51
se xp. X10i .. .
sandeep397 2013/10/29 04:46
samsung and htc
Phoebe3 2013/12/03 07:25
now a Motorola xt 320 ...
romiyo786... 2013/12/05 22:10
-Prince- 2013/12/07 08:47
Megagate wifii w710 0pera...
like-chat@ 2013/12/12 06:52
Replies: 48

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