*KingFISHER* by jaQui 2013/03/28 02:25
Congrats to KingFISHER
Who is in Admin team now! Enjoy ur tools,,,

Aita 2013/04/07 12:45
do ur job good /smiley .hehe.
--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2013/04/07 18:49
Quote: junglelady: do ur job good /smiley .hehe.

its violence../smiley

KingFISHER 2013/04/07 19:14
Quote: dian_lovegood: congrats friends /smiley

Not friend, Dad !

Aita 2013/04/07 20:16
Quote: __ANGELABIE__:

its violence../smiley
its a joke swty

little_mermaid 2013/04/07 22:02
Quote: KingFISHER:

Not friend, Dad !

ok sorry dad /smiley

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2013/04/08 12:41
Quote: KingFISHER:

Not friend, Dad !

so sweet...dad n daughter.../smiley

KingFISHER 2013/04/08 15:09
Quote: __ANGELABIE__:

so sweet...dad n daughter.../smiley

I,m looking a mom of ma dauta

Doncle 2013/04/08 17:44
Congrate dear...
--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2013/04/09 07:22
Quote: KingFISHER:

I,m looking a mom of ma dauta

then look for it...-luk-

KingFISHER 2013/04/09 07:40
Quote: __ANGELABIE__:

then look for it...-luk-

she is nearer bt wont catch to me.

DOLPHINLADY 2013/04/10 17:04
The_Torpid 2013/04/11 15:06
Congrats King Bro!! /smiley
Hareesh 2013/04/16 12:17
Congrats bro...
Replies: 33

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