Your favourite colour ? by Hareesh 2013/03/08 02:26
*hi* you#
What is your most favourate colour ?
And as the way
Whats the resion u most like that colour ?
Gud luck frnds

Fantasy 2013/05/27 10:29
White , black , purple ...
Hareesh 2013/05/31 09:44
Gray. . .
Prudence 2013/06/16 20:12
GREEN is my best and favourite colour.-happy-
InternetLord 2013/06/26 11:02
I love blue /smiley
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/26 15:56
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/26 15:57
No i guess black.. .think.
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/26 15:57
Wait.. I think blue /smiley
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/26 15:58
Just a second.. I like white as well.. /smiley
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/26 15:59
Confused.. /smiley /smiley
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/01 06:21
Rainbow! :-P
Kakaji 2013/07/03 18:46
Black /smiley
sharathkumargn 2013/07/08 21:19
nneomaubi30 2013/07/17 02:38
red becouse it sinifys love and dignitee,peace and hope"red very unquine
_Ankit_ 2013/07/17 16:54
White cause its shows peace and purty
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/19 07:48
Rainbow /smiley
Aurora 2013/07/19 15:26
Black n white
Georginia 2013/07/19 16:25
White cos i feel fresh.
Pink cos it suits my skin.

____THe.bosS 2013/07/26 08:53
Its black and reddish brown
saahir 2013/07/28 00:44
Quote: Aurora: Black n white


_AArYaN_ 2013/07/28 17:26
brown bcoz i love brown color
Replies: 147

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