ask me by SONIC 2013/02/22 10:20
ask me anything...

Humsafar 2014/04/15 14:50
Why u want 2 make buddy?
uonlyliveonce 2014/04/16 15:42
Ask me anything
SONIC 2014/05/16 17:47
Quote: Humsafar: Why u want 2 make buddy?
y u want to make buddy???..the same reason I also hav

Kayli 2017/02/11 20:54
Oh gosh u ar funny /smiley
Nutties 2017/03/01 20:09
Quote: RINCESS SUNl">PRINCESS SUNl: h0w many 2wapw0rld buddies y0u have? and whats y0u tawts as a guy 0n the rape 0f w0men ar0und the w0rld?
buddies nd rape ? Wht a silly thought ??

Replies: 85

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