Forgiveness is Hard by ____THe.bosS 2013/01/19 20:38
I wake up every morning Hating that I have dreamed of you, Thinking of all the times you made me feel special. How you made me laugh, smile, and dream, That we would soon be together.

Why do you lie to me? You said you would never hurt me, Or lie or leave me. But you did all of that, And the worst part is... Is that I excepted it!

I can go along pretending everything is fine, But if you ask I won't lie. I'll say that I am now afraid to love again, Because of you. And I will never forgive you

Rebellion 2013/01/19 20:49
Forgiveness is really hard... When The hurting person is most close to us
Alebi 2013/01/19 20:51
Sometimes we Been try hard nt to get into trouble, but some people just have got a war in their mind...

Eleto 2013/01/19 20:55
yea... ure right. nice poem
Doncle 2013/01/19 21:41
The_Torpid 2013/01/19 23:25
Forgiveness Is Hard as poison!!Good Topic Bro!!/smiley
Hareesh 2013/01/20 01:29
So nice words
yup u r ri8
forgivness is so hard
nice topic

_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2013/01/20 01:42
Gud gud
EloraM23 2013/01/20 02:30
Forgiveness is something that is often hard to do. But it is something that we should all try to do. Holding on to hatred is a wasted energy and often the person who you can't forgive really doesn't care all that much anyway if you do or not. When you can forgive you can move on and learn from the experience. Be happy and find what you really deserve.

Your 7 Circles

-Marizelle- 2013/01/20 03:17
If you can't forgive you make it hard for yourself. That girl is not worth your tears or the pain in your heart. Move on and love again and be happy/smiley
metalchris 2013/01/20 03:46
Quote: princess_nisha: y0ur p0em is deep,filled wit is hard t0 f0rgv.nice 0ne mr singh

yes you're right...
Its hard to forgive, even when the person bust your buddy request(yes).../smiley

-RaJu- 2013/01/20 08:55
ki a e/smiley
--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2013/01/20 09:14
nYc wORDz bRoThR /smiley
Meer@.gupta 2013/01/20 11:12
Very nice poem frd.
THE_SPEAR_KING 2013/01/20 14:45
True words
Mu-ayd 2013/01/20 14:51
Thats very true...nice poem
jaQui 2013/01/20 18:38
Awe, so sad /smiley
mary 2013/01/21 04:25
my dear mr.singh ur emote.. /smiley
Dingo.EXE 2013/01/21 08:18
Very good
Dehannah 2013/01/21 16:28
u r so so rite. just as it's difficult and takes time for a wound to heal or a pain to go away so too does it takes time and difficult to forgive. its far worse for inward emotions to get back to one whole.
Trax 2013/01/22 14:11
Wel dne.. /smiley 1 krma fr u !
Replies: 21

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