Happy new year...! by Meer@.gupta 2013/01/01 02:01
If it didn't bring you joy just leave it behind
let's ring in the new year with good thing in mind
let every bad memory that broght heartache and pain and let's tarn a new leaf with the smell of new rain

let's forget past mistakes
making amends for this year sending you these greeting cheer


Sweetcapricorn 2013/01/03 12:47
Happy new year to all have a blessed year ahead with lotsof fun and happiness/smiley
skyliner 2013/01/03 14:32
happy new year to each of us!a prosperous and a blessed one for the year of 2013!!!
Ashok143 2013/01/03 16:16
Happy new yaar frd.
Sonu009 2013/01/03 16:30
happy new year to all my friends
GhAyAl 2013/01/04 08:40
happy new year stay happy whole year
Doncle 2013/01/04 10:08
Happy New Year........
metalchris 2013/01/04 11:22
Quote: Maria.ozawa: Happy new year to you#

same to you buddy.../smiley

AKASH-786 2013/01/07 00:05
Happy new year
anitha 2013/01/08 16:43
Wish you a happy new year
Pankaj123 2013/01/17 05:58
Happy new year to all 2wapers
Replies: 30

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