Which one is better:New generation/Old Generation? by Sweetcapricorn 2012/12/31 07:03
Dear wapperz plz help me out i wana submit this topic to my teacher 2mrw plz help me and share this topic with me so dat i will submit it 2mrw.thanks 2 aj my friends.

Phoebe3 2012/12/31 11:57
old generation -i think.
SAGITTARIUS 2012/12/31 13:17
I agree with Nisha,and this gap will get bigger between today and future generation.
KingFISHER 2012/12/31 18:23
If the new generation are being a boat then old generation must be sail.
KingFISHER 2012/12/31 18:26
Quote: princess_nisha: The 0lder generati0n is much m0re better Than n0w,thats my th0ught,in the 0lder days we never hear 0f rape,we never hear 0f a y0ung girl begin pregnant,we never hear 0f any s0rt 0f indecent hurtful stuff.in d 0ld generati0n chldren had the chance

mainly nudity is main coz of rape i think. If u compare the dress between new nd old then u cud guess.

Eternal_Knight 2013/01/01 05:02
Quote: KingFISHER:

mainly nudity is main coz of rape i think. If u compare the dress between new nd old then u cud guess.

STFU !! its not nudity its changing mentality.. a woman roam naked on street but it doesn't give you right to Rape her.. You have to change your f****** attitude ... "Nazar Buri Aapki,aur khudko Dhaki Ladki???" And Every generation has made its Mistake so none are better.. And Miss Nisha Rapes happened from starting of all generations its just that now due to social media they are getting LIMELIGHT,earlier Crimes against Women were Worse(want examples)...

Eternal_Knight 2013/01/01 06:08
Quote: princess_nisha: i agree with u bhai.if a w0men stay c0rrectly c0ver the perhapz we w0uldnt hear 0f rape,

the GIRL in Delhi was was fully covered so in your terms She shouldn't have been RAPED...

Eternal_Knight 2013/01/01 06:14
Quote: princess_nisha: n0 n0 w0men deserve being raped n0 v0ilated in that way.d way we dress dnt matter.rapist jus f0rce emself n thts wrng

aren't you contradicting yourself here?? you said women if they cover up won't be raped?? now you are saying something else??

yemadep 2013/01/01 06:40
new generation supposed to be better than old but it depends on the perspective and the perameters we use to view it. narrow your topic pls.
TheMouse 2013/01/01 16:08
I strongly disagree with Nisha and Kingfisher. 1) that years ago one didn't 'hear of' rape, child abuse etc doesn't mean it didn't happen. Those things were simply so common, and laws didn't exist, that it was never addressed. 2) women don't get raped because they wear the wrong clothes. What nonsense, honestly! - They get raped because men have the wrong brains!! - I've tried so often to make this point: rape is NOT about sex - it's about HIERARCHY and power!! ... Back to the original question, I think my generation is just the same crap as the one before. People still apply for jobs in slaughter houses. We have a long long way to go.
Eternal_Knight 2013/01/01 16:36
Quote: TheMouse: I strongly disagree with Nisha and Kingfisher. 1) that years ago one didn't 'hear of' rape, child abuse etc doesn't mean it didn't happen. Those things were simply so common, and laws didn't exist, that it was never addressed. 2) women don't get raped because they wear the wrong clothes. What nonsense, honestly! - They get raped because men have the wrong brains!! - I've tried so often to make this point: rape is NOT about sex - it's about HIERARCHY and power!! ... Back to the original question, I think my generation is just the same crap as the one before. People still apply for jobs in slaughter houses. We have a long long way to go.

well well you said it much better than i can...

Hareesh 2013/01/02 04:43
Gud /smiley

Sweetcapricorn 2013/01/02 14:16
Thanks to all those who commented for me thans a looooot to all love uuu
GhAyAl 2013/01/04 08:45
old generation
Kumz 2013/01/06 04:07
Quote: Eternal_Knight:

STFU !! its not nudity its changing mentality.. a woman roam naked on street but it doesn't give you right to Rape her.. You have to change your f****** attitude ... "Nazar Buri Aapki,aur khudko Dhaki Ladki???" And Every generation has made its Mistake so none are better.. And Miss Nisha Rapes happened from starting of all generations its just that now due to social media they are getting LIMELIGHT,earlier Crimes against Women were Worse(want examples)...
Exactly my thoughts as I read the previous comments. /smiley

johnnysocool 2013/01/06 04:47
cornish pasty's OK? /smiley
Ammit 2013/01/06 07:55
it says dat...old is gold&new is dimond,nd gold hold dimond.so,old is bettr cz they invent we decorate.they were,so we r
Ammit 2013/01/06 08:02
they invnt telephone we dcorate it 3g mobile step by step.if we present gnrtion invnt smthin futre gnrtion murt b dcrt t
Ammit 2013/01/06 08:06
dy invnt cycle we trnsfrm it in2 motorbike...dy invnt hammr we trnsfrm it triphammr...so,nobdy less than to each-othrs.
Robert3 2013/01/10 10:23
/smiley .
detrimentum 2015/06/19 17:47
women were raped in the streets in mideval times, dragged by their hair to the near by camp. Rape was in many ways worse because it wasnt a crime. So your argument is wrong. Anyway.... There has never been a perfect generation.
Replies: 22

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