can u breake online record???????? by Dashman 2012/12/20 15:39
-heya- newbie

My 2wap site nd joker aka staff struggling 4 getting new user... they try hard 4 break new online record but they never succeed 4 n 4 new record. If u r new nd pity feeling or yr feeling 4 staff please help them 4 new record establish here ..

Thank u

Plz joker moov my topic in proper zone

vampire143 2012/12/21 06:50
Quote: Sweetsilver:

Well thats the way you imagine it. I made this site the way i wanted to, i dont need others input to decide what should cstay and what should change. Thanks for the suggestion though
for your info this is not your site,, his suggestions r too good and as u the selfish guy,you can't take the positive input here

NinthElement 2012/12/23 04:22
Quote: Idiot:
I want to ask you as the owner of 2wap ^o^ is Breaking Online Record really important to you?
What you said is true, advertising can bring new curious member come. But only temporally
Theres 2 scene here
1-Advertising : make an instan online bomb, then Gradually decrease coz they found nothing interesting here, freak and unfriendly members, unhelpfull staffs
2- Reform your site : Back to FAQ again. No bias staffs. More appreaciation to sharers (not only uploader, information sharers but also topic maker) by maintaining their topics ^o^ because your staffs are "funny". When theres some people screwed other topic, they delete the topic or closed it rather than clean and punish those who screwed /smiley its like when theres mouse in your house, rather than clean your house and make the mouse go away, you bomb the house to kill the mouse /smiley
And hope the members gradually increase (Quality >> Quantity)

- Maybe for once you should try to see this site from the eyes of a newbie ^o^ not only upgrade, upgrade and upgrade. Trying to satisfied those unsatisfiedable existing crap members (didnt mean to discourage your effort tho) Please think again, did those upgrade really usefull for a newbie?
- Aint like years before, wap/web forums/community are not only for Kids with Autism anymore. Who can only found their life from their room using their phone to make friends ^o^ people also search movies, games, book, softwares, informations, interesting articles from net
-IMHO, the era of wapsite already over since many of web forums/community now can be access via mobile ^o^ maybe you should start to think to make 2wap as a fully web community (aint cheap tho)

Additional of additional : You can consider a strict Registration mode. 1 email for 1 acc (with email verification) /smiley if you have the Quality, people will register no matter what it need
Some valuable feedback here. I agree development of the web version is important and we could do with more of a focus on downloads. There is much scope for the evolution of 2wap to match the rapid advance of mobile browsing technology, and this is possibly our biggest challenge (but one that is achieveable).

We aim for our features and default settings to be intuitive and user-friendly for newcomers, and try to strike a balance between keeping things simple and offering more advanced options that are in demand. The FAQ format is quite old now so perhaps could be in need of streamlining. I do believe in the approach of pruning good topics to remove unwelcome comments, where the nature of the topic isn't to attract such comments.
We already have the email verification registration system as suggested, I made it earlier in the year. We don't always keep it switched on though during peaceful times in order to maximise the conversion of registered members into active members.

Trax 2012/12/23 04:23
Quote: Idiot: I agree, Quality over Quantity Unfortunatly ^o^ 2wap has no Quantity and has no Quality also /smiley
i also agree wid u /smiley thats really tru

NinthElement 2012/12/23 04:25
Quote: Frayz-3: I remember bringing an idea.... I told a staff bt they threw my advice outter d window...
I'd be grateful if you could post your suggestion again, it may be more possible now than it was before.

Kayli 2013/04/30 18:48
Do it again plz.
Hareesh 2013/06/21 11:06
Ofcourse. . . .
Its record

Kayli 2014/10/13 19:49
Change ur staff. And use the ones who ar commited 2 2wap Ragnorak. And who ar friendly and helpfull.
Replies: 27

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