There are to many fakes in 2wap by _Ritesh rockx_ 2012/12/18 10:43
Hi everyone i am going to say that the multi nicks of some user of 2wap meera gupta is a boy who says himself a girl, rockin-arijeet fake id is yash kumar :blea:
and handsome don is avatar picture is and indian actor his some of the films arya ek dewana etc and he says it is his picture -lol-

Sweetsilver 2012/12/19 16:28
Quote: _xena_: . Why u don't ask urself jarryd aka Candice Johnson in FB you've used female nick and female pics to catch some victims to flirt so it means you are fakers too /smiley

I dont even know what your talking about lake aka cherry donkey mouth aka cattleya aka Omg! so many fake nic's, Yeah u really in house all day to be making all of them lol /smiley aka office worker my ass

_xena_ 2012/12/19 16:29
Quote: Sweetsilver:

Dont bring me in here, Am innocent, truthful and honest. You know the truth stop faking it!
ohhhhh really you are innocent? Prove it if you are innocent @Ginger, Emma these 2 are the samples of your fake nicks from other site to flirt. I can give some of your fake nicks if you wont shut your mouth. You are the who fake yourself with ur own insanity.

_xena_ 2012/12/19 16:34
Quote: Sweetsilver:

I dont even know what your talking about lake aka cherry donkey mouth aka cattleya aka Omg! so many fake nic's, Yeah u really in house all day to be making all of them lol /smiley aka office worker my ass
Omg! The donkey is talking /smiley lake tempest? Cherry? Those 2 are'nt here. I see this fake is talking cuz admins kicked him out in the site, whose crying mr. Asskisser /smiley

Rebellion 2012/12/19 16:37
;Pls don't bang each-others in topics;
vampire143 2012/12/19 16:42
Quote: Sweetsilver:

I dont even know what your talking about lake aka cherry donkey mouth aka cattleya aka Omg! so many fake nic's, Yeah u really in house all day to be making all of them lol /smiley aka office worker my ass
talk to me you wicked thing who you accusing as you didn't have any work nor anything? you fake my ass

Sweetsilver 2012/12/19 17:27
hahaha /smiley
vampire143 2012/12/19 17:50
Quote: Sweetsilver: hahaha /smiley
/smiley how poor silly shIt is you. do think before you do.don't cry after you done

Sweetsilver 2012/12/19 17:55
suck my cucumber dracula /smiley
_xena_ 2012/12/19 18:02
Quote: Sweetsilver: suck my cucumber dracula /smiley
you is dirty as your mind u sucker ass

NinthElement 2012/12/19 18:05
Okay this has gone on long enough I think. /smiley
Replies: 130

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