Happy Birthday to You Eternal_Knight by KingFISHER 2012/12/17 04:31
Hi 2wapperz! My best friend and buddy Eternal_Knight is going to celebrate his birthday on 18th december 2012.-birthday-

please post Your best wishes here and flood His guestbook .-birthday-

Kind_Honest_Guy 2012/12/19 19:13
you are blessed my friend. may you have many more
Hareesh 2012/12/20 07:33
Wish u many more
happy returns of the day
my swt frnd

AprilSnow 2012/12/21 05:08
It's better late than never.Belated/smiley to you
Meer@.gupta 2012/12/22 08:24
Quote: KingFISHER: Hi 2wapperz! My best friend and buddy Eternal_Knight is going to celebrate his birthday on 18th december 2012./smiley

please post Your best wishes here and flood His guestbook ./smiley
My best friend and buddy Eternal_Knight is going to celebrate his birthday on 18th december 2012./smiley
please post Your best wishes here and flood His guestbook ./smiley

Replies: 24

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